CH 18: Our little secrets

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Aliah's POV

"Don't touch me you piece of sh.." I said loosening myself from his strong grip.

I immediately ran out of his office afraid that he was going to do something else.

Why the hell is he drunk? I can't marry him! What was I even thinking?

I started crying as soon as I arrived in my room, I mean guest room..

I cried myself to sleep and a hard knock woke me up in the morning. I had a huge headache, probably from crying like a baby yesterday. He didn't even do anything too bad, he just touched me. And what I realised yesterday was that he will be allowed to do much more to me and with me when we're married. I don't think I'm ready for that to be honest, I don't have any sort of feelings for him.

"Aliah wake up or you will be late for work." Harris said knocking on the door once again.

I can't face him right now.

"I'm not feeling good." I croaked, followed by a fake cough.

"Are you okay? Do you need something?" He asked.

I'm fine.

"No all good." I responded.

"Okay, see you tonight!" He said and I heard him walk away.

I waited until I heard the front door shut and left my room after a few minutes. I needed to make sure he was really gone so I opened the front door and checked the hallway. It was empty so he probably was on his way to work.

I wasn't wearing my headscarf for once, I was alone and my hair needed some breathing time. The only time I wasn't wearing my scarf was when I was sleeping or taking a shower.

I made some breakfast and watched tv. After that I took a nap and ate lunch. I don't understand that people can do this every day. Not going to work and stay at home, it's so boring.

Harris was pretty kind this morning, like he was genuinely worried about my health. Does that mean he doesn't remember what happened yesterday evening or was he playing like it never happened? I heard at school once that a person under the influence of alcohol will not remember the things he has done the day after. I guess that's maybe what was going on with Harris.

I'm not telling him what happened.. Why would I? I don't know how alcohol works, but he obviously wasn't thinking straight.

My secret I guess.

Harris' POV

What was wrong with her? She obviously wasn't sick, anyone who fakes a cough after their sentence isn't really sick.

"Okay, see you tonight." I said and left.

I have a feeling that she doesn't want to see or be near me. What I also was feeling was the huge headache. Why did I drink too much again last night? Stupid mistake. I don't remember much from yesterday but I do remember talking to Aliah in my office but not what we talked about.

I guess something must've happened if she doesn't want to be near me. Or she's just sick and I'm looking into it too much.

Workday was over and I was on my way to the parking garage. I need to talk to Aliah, I need to make sure nothing was wrong. I was being distant because everything reminded me of Flora. And maybe I should tell Aliah that so she would give me the space to get through this.

I should of been having these days with Flora, instead I was marrying someone I didn't love. Even though I want to make this work, she was into someone else.

"Harris?" A female voice said.

I turned around and saw Amelia standing in front of me.

"Amelia?" I said surprised.

I thought she moved away to Australia after Flora's death. She was Flora's bestfriend and was devastated about her death. She couldn't handle it so she moved away to Australia.

"What- I thought you lived in Australia?" I asked. I walked a bit closer to her so I could understand her better. Mainly because of the echo in the parking garage.

"Euhm yeah I moved back when I lost my job a few weeks ago." she responded.

"You look good Harris." She added.

I smiled and returned the compliment, "you too Eli". She was wearing a tight dress that was complimenting her curves. She looked amazing, not the person I remember.

I'm still a guy, don't judge me..

"Well, we should catch up some time." She suggested. I don't know if that's a good thing, either she will remind me of Flora again or I could finally talk about what I was going through with someone who understood.

"Sure, what about Thursday evening?" I asked. Why not, I deserve a night out with a friend and we haven't seen eachother in ages.

"Sure, see ya." she said and left.

I got home and Aliah was sleeping on the couch. I could see her feet and she didn't respond when I walked into the loft. I moved closer to her as quiet as possible until I realised that she wasn't wearing her scarf.

She is going to kill me, I'm so dead if she knows I've seen her without her scarf on.

It was the first time I saw her without her scarf, she had beautiful long brown hair. She was even more beautiful without her scarf. I went to her room and grabbed a scarf and placed it near her so she could put it on as soon as she wakes up.

I don't want to be here when she wakes up so I went to my office and started working again. I'm not telling her that I saw her without her scarf on, it won't do any good.

My secret I guess..

Aliah's POV

I woke after one of the most amazing naps and grabbed my phone immediately to check the time. It was 8pm, wait a second...

Why was Harris not home yet?

I stood up and looked around me. Hey, my scarf? I didn't put it here, it was in my room.

"Shittt." I whispered as I heard one of the doors open.

"Hey you're awake" Harris said walking towards the kitchen. He was washing his dishes whilst looking at me at some moments.

"Harris did you see me without my.."

"No I didn't, I immediately went to my office. I knew that you were sleeping so I let you sleep." Harris replied.

"Thank God", I responded.

Harris smiled and walked back to his office.

"Wait I-we- euhm" I said making him stop.

"Yes Aliah?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"We need to talk" I said.

"Go ahead, what's wrong?"

"Euhm, what are you doing Thursday?" I hesitated at first but I've decided to not say anything.

"I'm meeting a friend, why?" He asked.

I'm not telling him I wanna do something for my birthday, he was busy apparently..

"No, I wanted to go out for dinner or something but euhm never mind." I said.

"Okay." Harris said and walked away to his office.

A friend? Yeah sure..

~Edited by R3Hijabi ~

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