CH 44: The end is near (1)

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"Isn't it ironic?
We hurt the ones that love us, but love the ones that hurt us."


Saïd's POV

I woke up with an extraordinary headache, a headache I had never experienced before. Before opening my eyes, I tried rubbing my temples to get rid of the headache but my hands wouldn't do as I was asking them to. It took me 2 minutes before I felt a rope tying my two hands together behind my back.

"What the-" I whispered as I opened my eyes.

It took me another few minutes before I could get a complete clear vision as I wasn't able to rub my eyes.

I looked around to only notice myself laying on the ground in a dark room. What could I see?

Well not much, only a window that was blocked by a giant wooden pallet and a door that obviously was locked from the outside. It didn't even have a key lock, it probably just had a lock from the outside to keep insiders from trying to break open the lock.

As minutes passed by I finally remembered what had happened, what had happened after I had left Flora's place.

"Shit this is not good." I whispered again, mainly to myself as nobody was keeping me company in this dark cold room.

After I had seen every corner of the room, someone opened the door from the outside.

I wasn't able to see the person first, only his shadow. But as soon as he walked in closer I recognized him.

"Finally.. some of us thought you were dead." He chuckled like it was all a joke.

"Not yet, let's play the game first before we end you, Aliah and Harris." He winked.

Anger rushed through my entire body as soon as he mentioned my sister' name.

"I swear to God if you have done something to her I will-"

"Shht" He said cutting me off. "Not yet, no talking just yet"

He took an old dirty cloth and pushed it inside my mouth. I tried to resist him by closing my mouth, but he was much stronger than me.

This guy knew what he was doing. He had experience.

"And we can't forget the person whose fault this all is, the princess herself." He took a break before adressing the person.

"FLORA." He said her name like he was praising her, like she was the reason he was doing all of this.

*3 hours earlier*

Aliah's POV

"Saïd where are you going?"

When I finally calmed myself down and realized that this wasn't my fault at all, I called up Saïd to find out where he was going.

"I'm going to Flora's, I'll be back in a few hours. But are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I'll wait up for you." I replied. Mainly because I didn't have a place to sleep. Harris took the room like a coward. Sorry but it's the truth.

"Sure bye." He said and hung up the phone.

The couch it is.

Saïd's POV

"Didn't think Harris would've acted like that." Flora said, also suprised about Harris' behaviour.

"I can't see his jerky face right now." I scoffed.

"I'm sure Harris is just sick of all the lies. I've seen how he looks at Aliah, he loves her to death. He would catch a bullet for her."

I know that he loves her, but he still acted like a jerk back there. Now Aliah knows about me being broke and knowing Aliah, she'll do everything to help me out. Not that I don't want her help, I just don't want her to see me as her little brother. I'm a grown ass man, I can take care of myself.

"I might have an idea to take your mind off things." She leaned in and started kissing me on the lips. This wasn't the first time we've kissed, we've kissed before.

Things went a little further then expected and before I even realized, we upgraded from the couch to the bed.

I'm religious, don't get me wrong, but we all go down that haram path at some point. Maybe this was my Haram path or maybe I was using that as an excuse.

I gently pushed Flora off of me at the thought of dying next week or the next day. What will I say to Allah? Why do I keep sinning like this? I need to find Allah back again if I ever want to be happy. Because there is no happiness without Allah in my life.

"I'm sorry." I said as Flora was looking at me wondering what was wrong.

"I can't do it, last time I did turned out horribly.. I can't go down that path again and then you have my religion." I added, hoping she would understand.

"I understand of course, I know how your religion works. I can wait." She said.

My eyes lit up at her reply and a soft smile appeared on my face.

I gently pressed my lips on her cheek as a thank you for understanding me. I was thankful for her, thankful she came into my life and understood the rules of my religion.

"I gotta go now, It's been 2 hours now and Aliah was gonna wait up."

"Of course, tell her I said hi."

"I will." I responded, one last time before leaving her apartment and heading back 'home'.

On the way down, I bumped into a guy that was wearing a suit, I greeted him politely and he did the same. Why was he so fancy dressed at this time of the day? Probably coming home from work. I shrugged the thought off and carried on walking.

I was keeping myself busy as I was walking home by looking for work on my phone.

In a split second, someone grabbed my phone and held it behind his back. He didn't run off.. No.. He stared back at me with my phone behind his back and on his face a giant grin.

"Hey give me my phone back!" I shouted.

"Or what?" He replied raising his eyebrows.

"You might be taller than me but I for sure will beat your ass!" I shouted once again. He was tall, dark and had a normal build posture.

He didn't respond. He switched his glare from mine to someone or something behind me.

I felt someone standing behind me so I took a quick turn, only finding 2 other men staring back at me. I turned back around to take a swing at the person that took my phone, but someone else hit me in the back of the head with a bat sending me down into the dirt. He hit me again in the head and I felt my ear ring with pain as I slumped to the ground on my back. It didn't take long before a complete darkness took over my sight.

I still heard him say something before I was completely out.

"Not so tough anymore huh pretty boy."


I seriously love you all for the support you're showing me.

Yes this story is almost at its end, sad I know.

It's been a rollercoaster of emotions..

I will miss writing this story every week.

Once again, Thank you! ❤

~ Edited by R3Hijabi ~

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