CH 45: The end is near (2)

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"Never trust a single soul."



Saïd's POV

"What do you want?" I shouted for the eleventh time, irritated about the whole situation. They probably weren't able to hear me as they were outside, laughing. And probably also drinking. This cold room was annoying me, them laughing outside was annoying me and the food was annoyingly bad. Yeah everything was annoying me and my patience was being tested.

I was here for too long, I wasn't able to count the hours though as they took my phone and watch away. Aliah and Harris are probably looking for me. At least, I hope they are.

Aliah's POV

"Nothing?" Harris asked again after I had called Saïd for the 10th time. Flora wasn't picking up either and I was getting really worried.

"What do you think?" I responded annoyed.

Yeah me and Harris were still not talking. The pregnancy test? Yeah we still hadn't taken that. I have more important things to worry about right now.

"I'm sure he's with Flora."

"No he isn't he told me he was coming in a few hours and it's been 15 freaking hours since he left" I replied. I was emotionally a wreck, everything could make me cry.

"Hey come here. I'm sure they're both fine." Harris responded coming in for a hug.

"Don't touch me!"

I still haven't forgot about the things he had said. It's because of him Saïd left, otherwise this would've never happened.

"This is all your fault." I started.

"If something happened to him.. I w-will never forgive you." I hesitated a bit because I knew it wasn't his fault. Saïd would've went to Flora's place anyway.

He nodded and backed away.

"Yeah it is", he replied. "It is", he repeated.

I could see the hurt in his eyes, now he knows how it feels.

I also backed away and sat down on the couch, trying to call Saïd again.

"Please pick up Saïd, I'm begging you.. I can't lose you too." I whispered as I was ringing him.

Saïd's POV

"So what do you actually want with me because I don't have a clue?" I asked after one guy finally came into the room.

"You'll soon realize who you should've and shouldn't have trusted. Soon you'll figure out that it was all set up"

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"Well" The main guy said. "One particular person" He took a break after every 2 words he spoke, like he didn't know how to speak a full sentence in one go.

"hasn't told you everything"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused about the whole fucked up situation.

"You know that person very well."

"What do you-"

I couldn't even finish my question or somebody was thrown into the room with me.

"Flora?!" I shouted surprised.

She started sobbing as she landed on the ground.

"You animals!!" I shouted to the guys throwing her down.

The CEO's unexpected love ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang