CH 24: lil' brother

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My brother is a nuisance, my brother is a pain. But don't you dare raise your voice or be hostile to him at all, 'cause I'll stick up for this little guy no matter who you are.



Aliah's POV

I woke up with a huge headache, yesterday was a long and stressful day.

Supposed to be the best day of my life.

Lol jokes on me.

I was still wearing my black dress. I can't remember going to bed.

I do remember my little brother..



And myself and Harris in the same room.

How could I forget about that.

Harris and I had an intimate moment. I mean, for me it was intimate. It probably was nothing for Harris.

And I think I fell asleep whilst waiting for him. Thank God I fell asleep.. What if Harris came back and I was still awake? Who knows what would've happened then.

I still need to face my little brother for everything that happened yesterday. I didn't listen to him, maybe he had a valued reason for everything..

Hang on...

No there is no valid reason for sleeping with a slu- girl.

He should've told me he had issues, I would've listened. I'm his sister after all.

I'll text him later that I wanna meet and talk things out. He's the only relative I still have, I don't wanna lose him.

I left my room and found Harris in the kitchen making breakfast. Halfnaked again. But hey I'm married with that guy so I guess I can enjoy the view now.

"Oh, hey-sorry I'll put a shirt on." Harris said when he saw me.

"No it's fine." I responded and joined Harris to help him with breakfast.

"Watcha cooking?" I asked. I still was uncomfortable but I did my best not to show it.

"Euhm" he said confused. Probably because I didn't complain about him walking around half naked.

"Eggs." he added.

"Lemme help" I said.

Do I sound comfortable?

Great! That's what I was going for.

"So euhm.." I started when we sat down and were eating.

Now I was nervous.

"About yesterday", I said.

"Your brother or?" He asked.

"No not that"

"So what than?"

"Euhm you know.. in our.." I hesitated. "You know never mind." I eventually said. He obviously doesn't wanna talk about it so..

"Okay." he replied.

Why was he so quiet?

I got ready when we were done eating and texted my brother after that.

"Be right over." he texted back.

I'm going to behave myself and not make everything about me for once. He's my brother and I still love him.

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