Part 13

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Next day he went to his office,I am roaming around the house. TV,books,watt pad, standing on terrace. This became my routine habitual .

Next 2 days went blur , I am just giving him silent treatment, if I make any move my leg into his ,then I am the only one suffering at the end of the drama. So I dropped my plans and just kept mum.

Next day I don't know what happened to him,he is constantly sitting in front of the laptop. He has dark circles and carry bags under his eyes. Seeing him so stressful makes my heart like crushed like a paper.

I waited for him for few hours near the door,but my presence didn't effect him . He just engrossed in his work, I just want to sooth him and want to free from this grudges . I don't know when I slept but it was so comfy smooth and hard.

The smell of the fragrance filled my nostrils. I am going crazy that I want to eat and my mind is filled with some power not to think any things. I grabbing it tightly not to leave me alone , but suddenly I opened my eyes as if it is all a dream.

There my husband sleeping peacefully and my head rested on his chest. He securely wrapped his arms around me as if I am scared of any beast or bad dreams.

( when did he bought me to the bed and he really cares me not his wife)

I slowly kissed him on his forehead " wish you are the one for me " a lone tear falls from my eyes. Slowly darkness consumed me .

Next day I opened my eyes to see he is working on his laptop, hardly he looks up,

( working continuously, can't he get fed up or his muscles may sprain )

I done my breakfast and I kept his breakfast in his work room. He didn't glance at me but I continued to concentrate on other things. He continued his work from home and some calls on conference . The day ended .

This continued like these for a week one day he appeared in front of me, I don't know what he came up but thought I am just hallucinating ,then I was about to go away from him, he said " you are good at hacking ".

I looked at him blank don't know what and how to react to his. He asked me " are you good at programming?" .

See now he want help from me ,if he want then he have to ask when he got idea he has to ask me before itself. He himself stressing for 3 days sitting I front the laptop.

"Yeah!! I know " I said.

" actually I have set the inputs but there is showing error and not getting the output" he said. "

Oh!!" I said and paused for a minute and asked " if you explain me the requirements of this programming, I can give the output".

He said about the main theme of this code . I nodded and he gave me the laptop and said " I have a meeting ,if you can any output just give me a call " and went to his office.

I studied and analysed the code but I don't know what he has given the input. This code is not in the correct process it is some scramble on the sides of the server and client side ways.

So I arranged some on server and client side. I some one fourth work I done and rested my head to back and doing some head exercise and stretching my back and bending. Again I resumed my work.

I took some break and prepared some meals for dinner . He came and settled on the couch . I bought water in glass for him. Why he always zoned out in his thoughts and still I am standing here he is aware of me.

I scrunched my nose and went to the kitchen. He came down with his shorts and shirt.

(Do you ever believe that he is the father for a child? No he is just looking like a teenager )

We both ate in silence and after I kept the plates in sink. I talked to my parents and then Aysha . I am really missing both of them. They are my world. With that thought I drifted in sleep.

Next day I woke up to see him, a frowned line on his forehead and a frowned face. What he is dreaming about ?? I traced my fingers on his forehead and ruffled his hair. I untangled from him ,I got up from the bed.

( while sleeping we both sleep on the edges,but when we woke up we will be in each other embrace that is how we both ended up but still we won't make to initiate on this topic.)

I started my routine fresh up and house chores. After then helpers came kept on doing their work. Its 11'o clock,what is he doing ? Is he still sleeping ? What about his office? I questioned myself and went to upstairs to call him. I shook him but no response .

Again I repeated same but no response. I slowly bent near his face and turned to his ear side " Augustine " shouted. He woke up and his face is horrified expression.

"Hey Augustine !! Are you okay ??" I patted his back. Some sweat beads formed on his face and he is shivering. I sat beside him and took his hand into mine and swiped his sweat with my palm.

" sorry I just came to check up on you, as it almost noon ,since you are not waking up so I did this. This is the last one ,I never try this on you next time " holding my ears .

He is looking into my eyes and slowly takes my face in his hands. ( don't fall nisha,he is just getting entertainment from you, how much his presence is effecting on you . there is no feelings on you . you dumb nisha ,don't fall again ) chanted myself.

Suddenly he got up and stormed to bathroom. "He is definitely bipolar " I shook my head. He went to his office informing me that he might get late .I done only two third of work . sitting continuously in front of the laptop,my eyes are drooping and paining my back .

I called to uncle and aunty to send Aysha for this day and will sent her to you the following day. I want to do something special on this day. I tapping my chin and asked Aysha who is sitting on the base of the kitchen counter.

She giggled and said "cake" with excitement by clapping her hands. "Why she always claps her hands? Of course same genes, " I thought and chuckled. I took all the ingredients and mixed . I kept the mixture in tin and kept in oven. After few seconds , I opened it ,it came out so perfectly. I instructed her not to touch as is so hot. She kept her finger on her lips like a good girl. I decorated the cake which is red velvet .

" what have to write on it ? Will he scold me ?" I thought for a while. She shooked me and said " HAPPY BIRTHDAY". I kissed on her cheeks. I should tell him today itself what I am feeling for him.

"From the starting day to till now his concern and love, effection towards me , he tied me to him with his love. He cares for me " I blushed.

" I have to ask him who is ishaani and then I will put my feelings infront of him" my thoughts interrupted by his voice.


" It's better that she lost her memory of four years" I said to Celina.

" What a good news? Even though I am happy that she is not even trying to get her past " Celina said by looking at the door.

Yes doctor said to me that she lost her memory and she is now trying to get it back.

" yeah and you know what she started trusting me " I said while smirking at her.

" oh my Augustine!!! We should have celebrate for this" she said while adjusting her clothes and zipping her blouse.

" she shouldn't get doubt on us what we are doing behind her" I warned her.

" common we both are doing for what we want " she said by applying a lipstick on her lips.

" Anyway she will soon come to me and will ask me to be HIS" I said .

" Someone is blushing here" she said.

" it's better not to go further" I said and stopped the discussion.
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