Flashback 27

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professor explaining us Engineering graphics subject . after he explained he took us to mechanical department where we have a drawing class. It is a wide class room provided with a table and a stool for each individual person. I sat at one in the middle of the 3rd row. rahul sat at other end of the last row according to our roll numbers.

I arranged my stuff and pinned the chart to the board of the table. I fitted the drafter to the board and adjusting the scale to my chart.

I heard some sound like "hiss hiss". I turned to my side and then to other side.

There she is "miss ece",looking at me dreamily. "oh god ! why these girls are so crazy? don't they have any work except looking at me" I mumbled.

"hey! I am rasika" she said and showing her 32 teeth.

"hii! I am " she cut off me and said "Augustine" .

I nodded and said" you are an update"

"I am always update and you know I am daughter of dean" she said.

"oh! sorry I really don't know" I smiled awkward.

"its okay,now you came to know me " she said and winked at me.

I smiled and said " I have to do" showing my chart to her.

she smiled and nodded.

(its not a wonder for me,as this a prestigious university only for rich people studies here)

three professors are guiding us how to draw and explaining how to see from top view and rare view. we have to observe in front view and angles of projection.

after 2 hours of struggling with my drawing I completed isolation and orthographic projection. I turned to see rahul ,he is so immersed with his work. one of our professor told that" if any one have completed ,you can show to me ".

I raised my hand and proffessor cam to me and seen my work. he corrected some of my mistakes in my chart and said" good but you should keep a little more effort ".

I nodded and he said " you can help your friends and guide them".

I smiled and went to rahul. he is almost finished and said" I will manage ,its almost getting over".

when I glanced at other side ,I cant help to suppress my laugh.

some of my fellow friends went near my table and tracing their chart with my chart.
some of them are grouped and drawing on one person chart.
some of them are simply sat in their stool and lost in their world.
some of them are gossiping about some random I guess.

professors are busy with some students in explaining. nothing to do ,but its better to divert them to studies.

I went to a people where group formed. I asked them " where didn't you understand? I will explain".

All of them looking at each other in themselves not making eye contact with me.
yes, they are not talking to me from 1 month. don't know what might be the reason ,whenever I went in their gang, they all disperse silently one after the other leaving me alone.

finally after their eye conversion and in their native langauge I guess telugu, they finally nodded and said" we took correct measurements but the diagram of the output is totally opposite to the actual diagram".

I checked the measurements and then I understood that they have taken the angles are opposite. I explained them " top view is obtained as H.P , BUT you guys have taken front view as H.P, that's why the diagram is not getting".

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