Flashback 33

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I smiled at him and looking at him. He too smiled but he is not talking anything. He just kept looking this and that side but not looking at me. May be he is shy and surprised to see me here. I initiated the conversation

" hi"

"Hi" he said.

" can you explain this" I asked him showing his presentation.

" yeah" he said and started explaining but his eyes are fully concentrated on his presentation.

He is unaware my presence and also not looking at me. I hurted and disappointed with his behaviour. After completing his explanation he looked at me like

" do- you- have- any - doubts - in - presentation".

" nice concept " I said and smiled at him.

He too smiled and said " thank you".

When I am about to turn ,I asked

" what's your name?"

" Rahul" he said and asked " yours?"

" Nisha" I said and excused myself.

When I walked half way suddenly a query got in my mind and went near him.

" sorry again to interrupt you, are you the incharge of this project?" I asked.

" actually no,he was called by dean.so he went and I took his place" he said.

" can I know his name" I asked and when he is about to say,a ringtone interrupted " its shalini".

I lifted " hey nisha come immediately, inspection and also dean members are coming to listen all the projects" she said in one go and disconnected.

I excused myself and went out from there. I went to my place and looked at his direction. Rahul is too busy with his explanation. I too busy with myself and have no time to glance at him. I tried to see Mr.x but he was covered with group of people around him. Finally the end of the evening, prizes distributed and we didn't get but it is really a nice experience meeting different people and learnt new things on this day. I went home and took a nice hot bath and plopped on bed. I saw him from his back but I missed him to see his face.

" may god written something more to meet him in different way" I thought and chuckled for my filmy dreamy.


The next day I presented my explanation to rahul and he said

" its good idea and innovative. Its really helpful this security lock system and also hacking. You should say more about both pros and cons".

"Yeah! I prepared and let's go for registration" I said.

I registered my name and rahul is accompany for me. I took my seat and glanced around the seminar. Then I spotted her, she is standing right opposite to me. She is very busy with her work. I thought of visiting her in some time and I am kept busy with explanations for the people.

I went near her and asked " can you explain?". She started explaining, her voice is so melodious and her expressions when she is telling how it works, its like animating a picture and can see vision in our brain, her flawless skin and enhancing more beautiful when the sun lights falls on her.

I am brought back my thoughts by her voice " do you have any doubts?"she asked.

I asked some questions and she explained me. She gave me a feedback book to write about her presentation. I wrote and gave it to her. She nodded and I smiled even she didn't smiled back at me. I went to my place and glanced at her. She already busy with her packing and she went off when the results announced.

" hey Augustine ,what did you decided?" Rahul asked me the next day .

" I choose Cse 2" I said.

" hey me too " rahul said.

I stilted in my position and asked" why Cse 2 only?"

" I interacted with seniors of Cse, they told me its good for future,as the world runs with technology of computers. So I choose Cse and yeah Cse 1 is already filled and there is no vacant seats. So Cse 2" rahul reasoned. I nodded and brushed off my unwanted feeling.


Now we are writing our semister exams. The exams held in alternative days. Finally we have 2 lab exams. Today Cse and ece students 1 St batch. In physics lab, I have to do circuits of transistor. I sat and examining what is the process . I have no idea about this as I didn't prepare for this lab exam.

I turned to my left side and asked " do you know?"

She nodded in negative.

I turned to my back ,I was stunned ,he is also looked at me. I asked him" do you know?" .

He nodded in positive and again nodded in negative. I frowned his actions and again asked him clearly. He nodded in negative .

"may be he is selfish " I thought and simply staring at my experiment. Then I looked to my diagonal side, I saw him somewhere but not getting in my brain.

"Yeah! I have a poor memory to recognise the people".

I starred at him as if he sensed my eyes on him he looked at me. I smiled awkwardly and he too smiled.

I asked him" how to do this?".

He showed me the wires how to connect and adjusting the timer . I blindly followed his procedure like copy cat and got the result. I beamed and looked at him like I got it.

" thank you" I mouthed at him. He smiled.

When I came out after our lab exams, I waited for him. He came out along with his so called friend I thought.

"Hey" I said and smiled.

"Hey" he said An awkward silence between three of us.

Why he is standing like a third party between us?

"Thanks for the help and yeah have we met before?' I asked him out not getting.

" its okay and yeah that day project exhibition.. Rahul..." Rahul said.

" yeah!! Got it " now my tube light is on.

" Nisha ... He is my.." Rahul is saying but cut off by shalini words.

" Nisha your sister priya came and she is waiting for you" shalini said by running near me.

"What!! When ?" I asked and went near her and turned back

" thanks again rahul" I said and smiled without glancing besides him

( I don't know why I am avoiding to meet his eyes).

Comment and vote!!!

Every single vote and comment means a lot to me.

I really appreciate those who voted and commented to my previous chapter!!!

Sorry to say this I will be on vacation on this Monday and will be back on Jan 4th.. Once I come back I will update both stories of " you+me=love" and " A rose with thorns".

Advance happy Christmas and new year2017!!.

Have a nice day!!

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