Flashback 24

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Augustine POV

I headed to airport and there standing mohan uncle. He still the same nothing is changed in him but I kept mum.

I stole some glances on him but he didn't see me and also didn't utter any word. I think dad must have told him else he would definitely talked to me.

I halted at our house and I stormed to my room thinking what just happened . Its just like my life suddenly turned upside down.

The two days rolled out in a blink.

Dad ordered me not to tell my real identity to any one and so I nodded what he means up to.

"Whatever the girls are girls only for me" I thought myself and bid bye to dad for his return to NYC .

I flopped on bed and cursed " Alex you will pay back for this " and the darkness consumed.

I woke up with noises from the kitchen. I went in there ,I saw a lady who might be of my mother's age and she startled with my presence and stuttered " I don't know what you eat. If you tell beta I will cook in a minutes" she said.

( she collected all the words of English and formed a sentence with great difficulty.)

" I will tell the menu and please reduce the spiciness in food" I said ( in Hindi) .

She was amused and asked " oh do you know Hindi . Thank god I thought it might be a great problem for me. And she praising her lord and looking up".

I chuckled her reaction and thought she is very care free .

" feel free to ask anything you want ,I will make in a minutes. I am a great chef " she patted her shoulder and praising her skills by her own.

I smiled at her and shook my head. " aunty" I said.

" ha beta " she replied.

" I think you are too talkative " I said.

She blushed and said " thanks for the compliment and my husband always says that I am very talkative".

( oh god did she think I am giving her compliment, I am telling her indirectly to cook food as I am feeling damn hunger)

" aunty I want spaghetti " I said.

She nodded and continued her work.

I sat on cushion and tuning the channels and caught my attention on Harry potter series which I missed to watch this film. I was engrossed in the discussion with dad. Now its time to go watch a movie.

After I completed my breakfast ,I took my bath and wore a T shirt and a blue pant. I asked aunty " is there any theatre near by?".

She told me the address and I took the car keys and went out. I reached the theatre and went for a movie.

While returning I saw a girl but not her face, some boys are honking the horns sounds and following her. Some of them are teasing her and passing comments. I just don't know but my mind said to follow her . I followed her and there she trapped them at police station.

I am glad and surprised her intelligence , I got a call from dad as they waiting for video call.so I drove back to my home . I missed a chance to see her.

( I laughed myself and praised her bravery)

I kept the system on and I talked to both of them and some random topics on business and studies. I bid bye to them and disconnected the call.

I went down to the hall and sat on dining table. Aunty served me on my plate and started her Talkings.

"I am not complaining her ,its better that I am not alone" I thought and ate.

I laid on bed and thought " I have to make friends as much as possible " and drifted in sleep.

The weekend rolled out and soon the Monday started.

As we will have some introductions so I don't feel like to attend .so I attended the college after 2 days.

I parked the car and went to the department . I searched my name on the list . ECE -1 ,I went on upstairs and seated on last bench. Slowly the class is filled and the lectures started their introduction.

One by one started giving their introductions. Now Its my turn ,I got up and said " Augustine and recently we transferred to India".

All the pairs of eyes are on me as if I am their favourite candy. I am so embarrassed and a awkward situation formed.

The professor nodded and I sat in my place where to my Left only one person.

I introduced myself and thinking he will give his info but no he acted like I am not exist to him. I shrugged and continued to listen the classes.

After that we had a lunch break ,I went to the canteen again all the pairs of eyes on me.

" if this continues like forever ,then I will definitely paint my hair and have to stand in sun.so that a tan will be formed and may be I will look like an indian" . the thought itself made me laugh and shook my head.

I continued my business and went to my class. He sat in that place and still looking in to his book. I went and sat besides him and the classes are started.

I met some friends and made. Some of them are humble and humour. Some people who are grouped in a gang like 8 members and laughing hysterically. It remained me my school gang. I went near them but slowly one by one departed and left me alone.

"I didn't find a reason why they had done to me? May be they don't want a new member in their gang " I thought and left to home by car.

The two days are like that only. But the drama is same ,the other departments are also now coming and peeking through the entrance and oogling me.

I shook my head and thought " is this a new start or the end".

One day ,when we completed out morning class session, at after the same gang ordered us to bunk the college.

I have to see the faces some people are excited, some of them are feared if they might caught by dean, some of them are planning to hangout. But beside me the person there is no expression only a blank. I sometimes feel is he a human or robot.

All of them left the college and I went to home.

Next day when I parked the car and started walking towards department, I sensed someone is stalking behind me.

I heard the footsteps are nearing and also panting hard to breath. I turned to see is to surprise the same person who is not talked to me even I talked to him.

" hi I am Rahul" he said. I smiled and said " Augustine" .

" I am sorry for my behaviour" he said sincerely. I shook my head and said " its nothing".

" friends" he said by extending his hand.

" friends" I said and shook his hand.

We both smiled and walked.

" will you help me in learning English. I am brought from Telugu medium" he asked me.

" sure and what friends for " I said .

We both smiled and stepped in our class.
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