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"I see."

Shàngguān Yǔ (上官羽), the elder of Fēngshén Shān (风神山 Translation: Mountain of the Wind God) sits in front of Ye Gui Feng. The man appears to be 30 years of age and is dressed in a gray set of Daoist robes.

This was Ye Gui Feng's first time seeing the elder in charge of the mountain.

The courtyard of the elder is quite spacious. Four tall paper lamps decorate the four corners of the room with a cushioned seat at the center. The scent of sweet incense tickles the nose giving one a comforting sensation.

Ye Gui Feng had been called up here to be asked about the details of his encounter with the demonic cultivator.

"Did the demonic cultivator give you anything?"


Recalling the cultivation manual that he had been given Ye Gui Feng raises his eyebrows.

(Well... I'm kinda tempted to take a look at it so...)

Adjusting his breath Ye Gui Feng shakes his head. It's not like simply having the manual will cause him to go down to the path of a demonic cultivator right?


Shangguan Yu takes out a jade slip and imbues it with his divine sense.

"Send word down to the patrols to increase the number of lookouts."

Watching this all happen Ye Gui Feng can't help but feel envious. This is his first time seeing a jade slip. These items are capable of being used for many different purposes but primarily they are used to inscribe knowledges of one's comprehension or special magic techniques.

"Alright you may leave."


Seeing Ye Gui Feng leave Shangguan Yu stands up from his seated position and vanishes from the room to report to Qī Lán Hé (七蓝河), the sect master of this matter.

"*Sigh* why am I so unfortunate?"

Shaking his head Ye Gui Feng walks down the steps of the mountain and heads back to his designated workplace.

Ye Gui Feng's entire body is seemingly filled with exhausted after coming back from town. The junior co-workers didn't put up any fuss about him taking a breather so he heads right back to his room.

"Should I... Look at that manual?"

Licking his lips Ye Gui Feng who is unable to hold back his curiosity looks about out in the halls.

"Looks clear..."

Seeing as how there isn't anyone there Ye Gui Feng closes the doors to his room before sitting down by his bed and decides to take a look at the manual as he pulls it out from his storage bag.


Ye Gui Feng sets the manual on his laps with a frown on his face as he is still hesitant on whether to open it or not.

There are many stories that concern demonic cultivators. Some of them train in techniques that require them to have a living sacrifice on a daily basis.

There are even ones that must drink blood just to survive. The list goes on and only gets more and more horrendous the more one continues.

"*Sigh* forget it. I should be happy to just be in this sect. There's no need to go out of my way for false hopes of glory."

Convincing himself that he didn't need to do this Ye Gui Feng stores the manual away.

"Tonight I'll go dispose of it."

Having decided on what to do Ye Gui Feng turns in to rest. His plan was to sneak out of the sect at night and find somewhere in town to dispose of the manual.


In the middle of the night when the clocks hit the early hours of the next morning Ye Gui Feng crawls out of his bed and snuck out of the living quarters of the kitchen workplace.

Keeping a close eye out for any hint of lanterns lights Ye Gui Feng quickly makes his way down the mountain while doing all that he can to avoid the night time patrols.

The night time patrols are mainly made up of two disciples that are ordered to walk around a perimeter of the sect for an hour before a shift.


But despite Ye Gui Feng's best efforts to avoid these patrols he is eventually caught...

"What are you doing here this late in the night?"


The senses of a cultivator are far sharper than the average human making them capable of easily detecting Ye Gui Feng's movement.


Ye Gui Feng knew that he couldn't just say his reason outright. Since that is the case he can only choose to grit his teeth and begin to speak in a low tone of voice.

"Y-You see... There's a late night..."

Ye Gui Feng turns his eyes and head as if to check around to make sure that there was no one other than the two disciples in front of him before resuming.

"There's a very special bookstore that only opens around this time. They sell quite a bit of... You know what."


Hearing this the two disciples' body shake.

"Quick take us there!"



They made sure to check their surroundings to make sure that there was no one else present to have heard that before continuing their conversation in soft voices.

"It's fine I'll personally bring some goods back and deliver them to you two tomorrow."


"It would be incredibly bad if word got out that those on duty decided to ditch won't it?"


There was sound reasoning to Ye Gui Feng's words and the two disciples eventually nod and send him off.

"Phew... That was close."

Wiping off a brow of cold sweat Ye Gui Feng made his way to town. Despite it being night time there were never the less some shops that are still open.

"Now where can I bury this thing?"

Deciding that the place a person is least likely to check would be somewhere that's rarely visited Ye Gui Feng heads for the town's graveyard.


With how eerie the place is Ye Gui Feng is slightly regretful of picking this location to bury the manual as he hugs his arms while shivering from the coldness of the atmosphere.

The entire graveyard is filled with wooden slates that are sticking out of the earth.

"Ah here should do. Surnamed Dai, forgive me for disturbing your peaceful rest. Don't worry I'll burn some paper money for you in heaven to compensate you for your troubles."

Ye Gui Feng kneels down by a patch of soil and pulls out the wooden slate and gently places it to the side before digging a hole.

"What are you doing?"


A tremor runs through the body of Ye Gui Feng as he stops his digging. Someone had spoken to him from up close.

"Uh that..."

Ye Gui Feng mechanically turns his head around to face the person while thinking of an excuse but quickly his face turns into that of anger.


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