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"Alright this should do."

Ye Gui Feng didn't choose to wear the trademark helmet of Lu-yeye, instead he chose to let his long hair loose and put a red scarf around the lower half of his face. To hide his face a bit more he even went as far as to put on a big hat.

The set of robes that Ye Gui Feng had chosen to wear is white with black bamboo patterns that's tied together by a silky blue sash.

"Hmm... I should try a more otherworldly design next time."

With a gothic Victorian era's suit design in mind Ye Gui Feng waits for the mouse Jiangshi to return before heading towards the site of the tomb himself.

A few minutes of waiting the mouse Jiangshi returns and Ye Gui Feng hurries along his way to the site of the tomb.

Although Ye Gui Feng's oddball appearance did draw a bit of glances it was nothing too bad when compared to the amount that he would have gotten without this disguise.


Standing in front of the rogue practitioner's line Ye Gui Feng looks to find the other big sects and clans that have set up camp here. This is as far as he can get to the tomb before him as he frowns beneath the scarf.

(I need to sneak into the tombs but how...?)

Using his Jiangshis to charge right through would be an idea but Ye Gui Feng has no clue what kind of opponent might suddenly pop up.

The enemy numbers are well over 3000. Given a bit more time some of them will surely leave as they won't bother to spend their entire time here cultivating and waiting when there's treasures out there that are also waiting to be found.

Recalling how taxing it was to use the fusion form of the two Jiangshis even with the support of the patriarchs that were all at the Soul Separation realm Ye Gui Feng inwardly sighs.

The moment that Ye Gui Feng uses it he would most likely last less than five seconds...

(Whatever I'll make that a trump card. For the time being let's just observe these people and see what they'll do. I mean c'mon are they seriously going to stay here for a full 11 months? *Sigh* it's so difficult to be popular...)

Ye Gui Feng moves off to the distance to cultivate and keep an eye on the situation. Unfortunately there's hardly any ghosts for him to absorb around these parts.

"Goddammit is this asshole even showing up?"

"Hmph he's probably afraid to make an appearance with all of us here."

"In that case you all can get the hell away from here."

"You first."

"Hmph looks like he's nothing impressive after all."

Na Qiao Qiao with a bored look on her face shakes her head.

"Well no shit he's nothing impressive. He just popped out of nowhere and suddenly became a Legacy Disciple."

"I don't want to hear anything from someone that lost to him."

Bai Hou Yun speaks coldly as he looks to Lei Jiaozi who is acting far too arrogant for his own good.

"Tch Bai Hou Yun are you actually on his side?"

"I'm only interested to see if he can open this stupid tomb or not."


Sheng Wang Yi doesn't pay any attention to the infighting as he continues to cultivate. Out of all the Legacy Disciples he is the closest one to the Soul Separation realm.

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