Nearing the Semi-Finals

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Watching Ye Gui Feng acting arrogantly puts a smile on Yao Nie Tian's face.

"Heh now this is truly befitting of my child."

Withdrawing the crocodile Ye Gui Feng leaps off the stage.

"Heh I didn't think that having this thing can be this intimidating."

Ye Gui Feng felt like acting arrogant at times can truly help with letting off some steam as he pats his storage bag.

The main reason behind Ye Gui Feng not wanting to act arrogant is because of his own lack of self-confidence in his abilities.

Unless Ye Gui Feng has a solid piece of footing that he can rest on to back up his words then he simply won't allow himself to be arrogant in front of others.

"I can't wait for my project to be completed."

The thought of having something that can replace his needs to be reliant on Xiao Ju Hong in the future puts a smile on Ye Gui Feng's face.

As Ye Gui Feng didn't wish for Xiao Ju Hong to die now that he has been given a chance to change her destiny he needed something to rely on as a source of his own strength.

The sooner that Ye Gui Feng completes that 20 Dark Silver core Jiangshi the better. He has already thought of a name for it.

The image that Ye Gui Feng has in his mind will surely be very chuuni like but then again he really did want something that can represent terror on the finest level.

"I will definitely succeed in making that Jiangshi!"

Clenching his fist Ye Gui Feng's eyes light up with excitement as his blood boils. No matter what he must win this competition at all costs.

As a series of name sets are called Ye Gui Feng is surprised to discover that Yao Xie Xian had stopped to interfere. This time he had even been lucky enough to get a blank making it so that he didn't need to fight.

"Hahaha my luck is turning up after those misfortunes."

Drawing a blank means that one will have time to replenish their energy between the matches. In the later matches this is something that everyone would want to have as only the strongest opponents are left in the competition now.

But even the strongest contestant will be gradually weakened due to exhaustion as the matches progress without any breaks in between.

Continuing to win the next set of matches Ye Gui Feng becomes one of the seven that continues to stand in the competition.

Although out of everyone else Ye Gui Feng probably expended the least amount of effort thus far. Almost none of the other participants wished to take on Ye Gui Feng's crocodile Jiangshi.

Two of the three matches between the remaining seven has just finished leaving only one more set of names to be drawn.

"Yao Xieshen and..."


Ye Gui Feng wasn't expecting himself to draw another blank but this is never the less disappointing.

"Yāo Yán Hé (妖炎河)."

Coming up to the stage with Ye Gui Feng is a youth dressed in a set of black flame patterned robes. This clansman is also the son of a patriarch, Patriarch Sān Hou (三候).

"What an overbearing name... Although mine is as well..."

"Cousin Xieshen you've been warning people to concede before each match so far. Since that's the case then I suggest you do that now."

Clearly the other side is looking down upon him as Ye Gui Feng frowns.

"*Sigh* as much as I would like to concede or better yet not come to this competition at all I need the money for my project. How about we bargain? If I let you win then you must give me 1,000,000 merit points or spirit stones that or a combination of both."

One million had been the grand prize for the winner of the competition along with a magic treasure. Second place gets 100,000 while third 10,000 but no magic treasures for the other two spots.


Yao Yan He's face darkens as he sees Ye Gui Feng's uncaring attitude. In all honestly Ye Gui Feng really didn't care as much.

If it wasn't for the fact that he needed money then Ye Gui Feng really wouldn't have bothered with any of this even if someone beats him to death.

"Brother Nie Tian your son really is quite arrogant isn't he?"

Yāo Yán Hào (妖炎昊) smiles mockingly to Yao Nie Tian. Unlike with Patriarch Yao Li Yao Nie Tian didn't hold much of a high opinion towards Yao Yan Hao and his son he naturally won't have much compassion for.

The two patriarchs had argued on several occasions and had gotten in each other's way often in the past when they had been juniors.

It wasn't until immortal ascension that they settled their differences but this old grudge will still continue to linger.

"Heh believe it or not but my Shen'er actually being honest with his words."


The common sense in this world for a practitioner is to take manageable risks and acquire fame and glory but to Ye Gui Feng such concepts are foreign to him.

"Although resources and the likes are limited why must we fight over them to the death? Most of the enemies we encounter while cultivating are people that are after the same fortune as us. It is not like they are our mortal enemies for doing so. Dao translates to mean a road that's meant to be traversed upon. It simply means walking one's own path. It never said that one needs to resort to slaughter when walking through this path."


Many who heard what Ye Gui Feng had said presses their eyebrows together. This did make a lot of sense as no one said anything about having to become a slaughterer when traversing the Dao.


Ye Gui Feng coughs and clears his throat. He felt like he had nearly revealed a bit of the air that he exudes when acting under the guise of Lu-yeye.

"This little bastard..."

Even Yao Xie Xian is slightly surprised by what Ye Gui Feng had just said. For people that have experienced the essence of slaughter and having killed so many others in the distant past this felt like a rude awakening but what's done is already done and there is simply no going back.

"*Sigh* it does indeed make a lot of sense but that doesn't mean that one will always have to try to compromise with both sides. Trying to remain neutral will end up with the other two sides breathing down your own neck if you go too far. Enough talk start the match."

Without knowing if he will get another blank in the semi-finals Ye Gui Feng can't allow himself to go all out here as he brings out the crocodile Jiangshi.

*Wrawr!!* the crocodile Jiangshi charges in at Yao Yan He who quickly brings out a magic treasure. It looks like a sphere containing lava within it.

Sucking in a deep breath of air Yao Yan He blows against the sphere while directing it at Ye Gui Feng.

*Booooom!!!!!!!!* an astonishing flame breath comes from the sphere.

This breath along with the heat that it brings can only be compared to that of a fire dragon!

Similar to a raging tidal wave the breath swallows Ye Gui Feng and the crocodile Jiangshi in an instant!

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