Why the Rush?

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"Ah this world! This damn world is far too dangerous!"

Ye Gui Feng shouts out in frustration as he sits by a river. He was constantly washing out his mouth to get the taste of blood out.

"Seriously I'm not the main character so why couldn't it have been that Sheng Tiandao to have encountered that?"

After making sure that the taste of blood is gone Ye Gui Feng turns around and sat on a patch of grass.

With a sigh Ye Gui Feng takes out the corpse that the red chrysanthemum had attached itself to. He didn't dare to pluck the red chrysanthemum off the corpse's head in fear of damaging it.

"Now what do I do? Xiao Ju Hong has up and connected itself to this corpse..."

Ye Gui Feng sighs in frustration but then his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Ah I can make a Jiangshi out of this."

Immediately Ye Gui Feng takes out the most valuable items that he possessed from within Xie Mo Xin's storage bag.

One of the items that Ye Gui Feng had taken out is a giant clay pot that's half a person's height. Undead Ashes fill the entirety of the pot and the grade of it is eight as one can tell from its golden colors.

"*Sigh* I'm so glad master was a jack of all trades. He had so much craft items and materials in here."

Since the red chrysanthemum is already as priceless as it can be Ye Gui Feng sees no reason not to make this to be the best Jiangshi that he can currently build.

After paying respects to the soul of the corpse Ye Gui Feng awkwardly undresses the corpse while averting his eyes. It was after all a young girl's body despite it being dead.

During the time when this girl had been alive they must have been quite popular amongst many.

"So cruel... Who could have been so heartless as to kill her?"

After covering up the important parts that his eyes shouldn't see Ye Gui Feng finally focuses on the wounds that the corpse had.

There were many laceration wounds but the worse was definitely around the stomach area. It looks to have been punctured through by a single attack. The area around it had black markings.

"Burn marks?"

Around the neck a ring of flesh had been removed. Whoever it was that had been trying to kill her must have been quite sadistic. They seem to have tortured her before finally killing her.

The most critical and important part of Jiangshi making was cleaning out the interiors of the body but unsurprisingly that has almost already been finished as the organs have long since rotted away.

Even if the organs had continued to remain the red chrysanthemum would have absorbed them by transforming them into blood.

Overall the entire process was quite painless for Ye Gui Feng who began the process of filling the corpse with Undead Ashes.

The final step was to stitch up the wounds but with certain parts of flesh missing that wasn't completely possible.

"Hmm it'd be a shame to not restore her completely."

The more that Ye Gui Feng looks upon this corpse the more pity he felt for the person. But there was nothing that he could do to make her look completely human again.


Finally Ye Gui Feng is about to place a talisman onto the corpse but-


A tremor runs through the corpse and it snaps it blood red eyes open to suddenly stand up on its own.


Ye Gui Feng is pleasantly surprised by the Jiangshi standing up. The two stare at each other with only Ye Gui Feng blinking his eyes.

The expressionless face of the Jiangshi looks to be capable of putting up a smile but as it is just a shell of someone that had once been alive that was too much to hope for.

"*Sigh* doesn't matter. From now on this will be Xiao Ju Hong's new body."

Waving a hand Ye Gui Feng stores the Jiangshi away and decides to head back to camp.

The walk back to camp took around two hours as Ye Gui Feng attempts to navigate his way through the forest.


Upon returning back to camp Ye Gui Feng realized that everyone had left without him.

The camp site is already gone but on the ground is a jade slip.

"They left without me? How could they? Am I that unimportant to them?"

Thinking about his weak status in the Burial Grounds Sect again Ye Gui Feng really isn't too surprised. After all he is just another fodder, an unimportant character to the sect.

The only way to stand up with a raised head in a sect is to have power. But Ye Gui Feng is far too weak to stand out.

Such status can only go to those that are similar to Feng Jian Yun and his powerful Sword Intent that's on the verge of solidifying into a true Sword Intent.

Following the instructions on the jade slip Ye Gui Feng walks through the forest and journeys to the Nine Dragons' Vault on his own.

Occasionally Ye Gui Feng took breaks when needed and at night he was extra careful when making his way through the forest.

But strangely enough none of the magic beasts would approach Ye Gui Feng as if they were afraid of something.

After a full day's journey Ye Gui Feng comes up to a massive crowd of people.

Though he couldn't see anyone familiar in this sea of crowds Ye Gui Feng knew that the disciples and elders of the Burial Grounds Sect are all up ahead.

Almost as soon as Ye Gui Feng made it here the massive slab of dark steel up ahead emits a droning sound.

The serpentine dragon engraved onto the slab shines gold and the faint howls of the ancient king of beasts can be heard.

"Let's go."

The Crowned Disciples with five of their sect's elders behind their backs along with the disciples of their respective sects stand up from sitting cross legged. Each of their eyes shine brightly as one by one they head towards the vault's entrance.

Their body slips right through the slab of steel as they are transported into another world.


"Charge through!"

Of course other than the major sects there are clans in the mix along with a few rogue cultivators. All of them had come here looking for fortune.

Being at the far back of the crowd Ye Gui Feng can only stared wide eyed at these people who are in such a hurry to enter the vault.

"Isn't it just entering the vaults? Why the rush?"

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