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"You okay?"

Feng Jian Yun comes to lend a helping hand for Ye Gui Feng to stand back up.

(As expected of the final boss... He doesn't even have a scratch on him...)

While Feng Jian Yun appears fine Ye Gui Feng feels like his entire body had just been battered to pieces.

"Yeah fine... Ugh."

Ye Gui Feng rubs the side of his head in pain before moving his gaze towards Long Huangrong and Sheng Tiandao.

The sect's respective elders and disciples stands off on either one of the Crowned Disciple's backs. All of them are glaring coldly at the other with hostility.

This made both Ye Gui Feng and Feng Jian Yun feel slightly awkward as they are the only ones standing off to the side looking like bystanders.

Quite a few had died in the midst of this raid. Originally the Burial Grounds Sect started off with 120 members and now it was only down to 70 with a vast majority of them injured or dead...

The Heavenly Scripture Sect is a bit better off than the Burial Grounds Sect but they have also sustained some losses.

"Princess Huangrong is indeed worthy of her reputation. We won't over stay our welcome."

"Heh Sheng Tiandao, you really think I'd let you get away with this so easily?"

"If we continue fighting and reduce our respective forces we won't stand a chance against the other sects that have come to the Nine Dragons' Vault."

The two smile coldly at each other while Ye Gui Feng blinks his eyes with a weird expression on his face.

(Hey, hey, hey! What is up with this? Don't tell me this world's story is actually like this! Don't tell me that violent bitch is actually the main heroine! That means that that Sheng Tiandao is the main character doesn't it? Does this mean that they're gotta clash more often in the future and eventually it will become like what I'm currently thinking of? Ah my heavens what is up with this!?)

As the two glare at each other for a full minute they eventually retract their gazes. Those from the Heavenly Scripture Sect left as they headed onwards.

"How many are injured? Also give me the names of those that died. Give me a proper report in 30 minutes!"

Having said that Long Huangrong heads off to somewhere else while fuming with rage.

"Right away."

As demanded by Long Huangrong the report is made and placed into a jade slip in the quickest speed possible. But...

"Who's delivering this?"

"I'd rather not face the princess when she's this pissed..."


No one wanted to be the pig that's up to be butchered but quickly Elder Shu's eyes fall upon Ye Gui Feng.

Seeing Elder Shu take one steps towards him Ye Gui Feng takes a step back with a bead of cold sweat rolling down the side of his head.

"Xiao Feng? What are you doing backing away for?"

Although Elder Shu is smiling Ye Gui Feng shakes his head as he takes another step back. Following Ye Gui Feng the old man takes a step forward as well.

Just like that the two would repeat this action. No one wanted to be the delivery boy.

Naturally Ye Gui Feng who is picked by Elder Shu to be that sacrificial pawn is also refusing to do so. After all he didn't want to get shot by the flintlock pistol.

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