If He Doesn't Pay Up...!

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Upon returning back to his Immortal Cave Ye Gui Feng told the others of what had happened.

"What's wrong with being sect master? You get plenty of benefits."

Long Huangrong speaks with a quizzical tone of voice as she looks to Ye Gui Feng who sighs.

"The point is I don't want to become a sect master since it would limit my future."


Long Huangrong hadn't thought of it this way as she had been raised to inherit the Burial Grounds Sect. But when she thought about it limiting her future potential she can't help but frown as well.

"Children have to spread their wings at some point..."

Li Shuiling similarly frowns whereas Feng Jian Yun who didn't have to worry about such matters smile lightly.

"I can't really relate to you all about this matter since I think pursuing the limits of my potential from the very beginning is what's ideal."


Ye Gui Feng can somewhat relate to Feng Jian Yun on that. But his limits are also quite limited due to his goal.

"Maybe... I'm not setting my vision far enough."

"Didn't you say before that you want immortality? Isn't that far enough?"


But Ye Gui Feng never thought about what he wanted to do after that... What would he do? Actually...

"What would she... Want?"

Ye Gui Feng can't possibly be selfish and take up all of Xiao Ju Hong's time like a clingy boyfriend so he thought in the direction of what Xiao Ju Hong might wish for.


"Eh ah... Nothing."

"Oh San Xiao you've got your eyes on a girl have you? Do tell."

Long Huangrong teasingly speaks.

"Ah never mind me. What about you all? Are you heading into the Fallen Warriors' Ruins?"

"Of course."

After conversing for a bit longer the others left to tend to their own devices. Almost as soon as the others left Ye Gui Feng got another message and this time...

"Well, well, well..."

Ye Gui Feng takes out a purple jade slip from within his storage bag and answers the call like a cellphone.

[Yo. How have you been?]

A muffled voice that can't be distinguished between male or female greets him.


[I can tell with all that's happened in the Burial Grounds Sect.]

"You finally decided to contact me after so long. So what do you have?"

[Yeah. Let's meet up in the Fallen Warriors' Ruins.]


This comes as surprise to Ye Gui Feng. He would have thought that this "boss" character wouldn't ever meet someone face to face until some kind of final confrontation event.

[Why do you sound so surprised?]

"I didn't think you'd actually meet me face to face."

[Oh? Expected some sort of final confrontation event where I reveal my face did you? Well it's too bad but this world doesn't work around the concept of having a stereotypical plotline to follow.]

邪神之道 B1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora