Heading for the Nine Dragons' Vault

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Ye Gui Feng had asked around in the sect but no one really knows anything when he mentioned the term "flintlock pistol."

From the looks of it Ye Gui Feng can only go ask Long Huangrong but when he thought of his identity and status... That wasn't possible and he was also afraid of Long Huangrong shooting him.

"Xiao Feng Elder Shu is calling for you."

Ju Tongzi who sees Ye Gui Feng quickly comes up to inform Ye Gui Feng of that before running off with some materials in hand.


Not knowing what to make of this Ye Gui Feng heads to Elder Shu's cave.

Even though Elder Shu is a faction head he didn't choose to live in the faction head's courtyard as he said that it gets messy when making a Jiangshi.

"Elder Shu."

"Ah good you're here. Last time you were there with me at the sect master's pavilion-"

"What? Did that girl come by and want to split me in half? I suffered a trauma from that and now I'm scared to even go outside."

Ye Gui Feng can just imagine himself walking along casually until suddenly a bullet is fired and he sees it coming out of the front of his chest.

"Well enough about that but it's certainly related to Princess Huangrong."

"Then I refuse."

"Oh come now child no need to be so sour. This is a chance for you as well. The Nine Dragons' Vault holds many treasures."

(Heh old man Shu I know you're a crafty one after all our interactions. Don't expect me to say yes just from this. How could any of those treasures compared to the things that my master gave me?)

Inwardly Elder Shu was thinking of the same thing. How could the treasures from the Nine Dragon's Vault compared to anything that a disciple of Xie Mo Xin has?

Unbeknownst to Ye Gui Feng his Immortal Cave has some tampering done to it to make it so that there is a powerful spell array protecting it at all times.

It prevents any other disciples from entering unless they had been given permission by Ye Gui Feng.

These protection arrays might be noticed by Ye Gui Feng as time passes but he will probably think that it was the general standard of all Immortal Caves.

"Well now that I think about it so many people will be dying left and right when we enter. There's bound to be a few Nascent Soul realm cultivators that will drop from the skies. Their corpses..."


Ye Gui Feng's body trembles. If he could acquire the corpse of someone from the Nascent Soul realm of cultivation than he would have quite a powerful Jiangshi.

The cultivation base of the person that's to become a Jiangshi does indeed matter. A higher cultivation base corpse means a higher grade Jiangshi as the end result. But the corpses of powerful experts are rare.

Indeed corpses are not something that Ye Gui Feng's master, Xie Mo Xin had provided him with.


Seeing the cramped up face of Ye Gui Feng Elder Shu inwardly smiles. This trip can be considered as a chance for Ye Gui Feng to get more experience as well.

In accordance to Xie Mo Xin's wishes Ye Gui Feng is to experience danger but if something should happen that might threaten his death then they must intervene and save him.

This time there are quite a few disciples going to the Nine Dragons' Vault along with a few elders of the sect as guards.

(If I'm lucky and can get a Nascent Soul cultivators corpse and then successfully make a Jiangshi out of it then won't I be very safe?)

Even if Ye Gui Feng couldn't make the Jiangshi right away and it would be very taxing to use it was never the less a good card to have.

As a sect disciple Ye Gui Feng would be eventually sent out on missions too so it was definitely a must for him to have a few life protecting treasures.


Ye Gui Feng finds there to be something wrong with himself. Why was he getting excited about a corpse? If it was in the past Ye Gui Feng couldn't see himself acting like this at all...

Suddenly Ye Gui Feng feels like his mind has been twisted after spending so much time here in the Awakened Corpses Faction.

"Fine I'll go too."

But thinking about the fact that he needed a powerful corpse Ye Gui Feng would just have to accept his current mindset despite being reluctant to do so.

"Mm that's what I'd like to hear. You have a week to prepare so get busy."

Elder Shu smiles while nodding before he lets Ye Gui Feng go.

With a discomforting feeling within his stomach Ye Gui Feng heads back to his Immortal Cave.

The moment Ye Gui Feng returns to his cave he waters his plants. Other than the red chrysanthemum the others haven't matured yet. He had also planted a few more seeds into the soil beds as well.

Within the time that he is given Ye Gui Feng inspects his Jiangshi and gives them a proper maintenance before sealing them into his storage bag.

Right after that Ye Gui Feng spends all of his available time to cultivate.

Time passes and soon on the last day of the week Ye Gui Feng and many others are now getting ready to leave as they standby at the center of the sect.

Aside from Ye Gui Feng everyone else is an inner sect disciple.


Ye Gui Feng sighs in not being able to find anyone that he could talk to. All the faces here are complete strangers to him.

"Junior Brother Ye."


Turning his head around Ye Gui Feng sees a youth dressed in a dark set of robes.

(It's the final boss!)

Ye Gui Feng is rather surprised to see Feng Jian Yun amongst the crowd.

"You still remember me?"

"Of course. It was thanks to you that I only managed to get fifth place in the inner sect selections."

Seeing as how the other side is saying that with a sincere smile that lacks any malice they appear to be joking around.

"Ah sorry about that..."

"No need. After I made my full recovery I went to challenge the other four and got my recognition as the top of my peer."

(Talk about hating to be anything less than number one...)

"But this means that if you ran into someone other than me before the ten tops are decided you could have made it in there yourself."


Feng Jian Yun didn't know what to say about that.

"Alright we're heading out!"

Standing on either side of Long Huangrong are four elders including Elder Shu.

Rather quickly the time to leave arrives as the group begins to out. Many disciples are anxious to head into the Nine Dragons' Vaults and see what kind of fortune they may be able to get out of it.

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