Attack on the Icy Winds Sect

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A middle aged man with pale white hair sits down in front of a grave. In his hand is a gourd of alcohol. His clothes had many rips and tears as a sign of old age.

The grave isn't too special. It is merely made out of stone with the name Yao Xieshen carved onto it in red characters.

"Shen'er it's been 20 years since you've... *Sigh*"

The man sighs as he looks bitterly towards the gravestone. This man is none other than Yao Nie Tian.

Ever since that day 20 years back Yao Nie Tian has left the management of Mount Zhu Tian to Yao Lei Yun and would often spend his time here.



Seemingly with her entire face covered by a layer of frost Xiao Ju Hong's snow white hair dances about wildly in a desolate world of flashing lightning.

There is hardly anything here aside from a dense amount of demonic energy. This is the final trial grounds of the Yao family.

Xiao Ju Hong has spent a total of 20 years here without leaving after the events of 20 years in the past. Occasionally a manager of the trial grounds would come by to bring her news of the outside world.



Back in the Moon and Stars Kingdom two months had gone by as Ye Gui Feng and the two patriarchs of the Burial Grounds Sect stand outside of the sect.

All preparations have been made. A select few along with some elders are chosen to remain behind and keep watch over the sect while the main force is away.

Above Ye Gui Feng and the patriarchs' heads are three warships and floating along them is the Earth Sword.

Placed onto the three warships and the Earth Sword is a Demon King Pagoda each while the fifth pagoda is carried using the combined efforts of two former Heavenly Pillar Sect patriarchs and some of the sect's disciples.

"Let's go! Our destination is the Icy Winds Sect!"

The disciples of the joint sect that couldn't fit onto the warships and Earth Sword fly about alongside them. This further adds to their air of intimidation that the entirety of the army gives off.

"The Burial Grounds Sect is finally making a move!"

"What a staggering number!"

"The Icy Winds Sect is surely doomed!"

With an army of this size the surrounding wild life and any rogue practitioner that sees them coming are scared witless and quickly makes way.


Standing at the forefront of the Earth Sword's tip with his hands behind his back and the two Jiangshi behind him Ye Gui Feng looks off to the distance.

What Ye Gui Feng is looking at is not the scenery of the landscape but instead he is looking straight into the future as he awaits the day that he will reunite with his father and Xiao Ju Hong.

"I must reach the Nascent Soul realm in this war."

"San Xiao why are you acting so tense for?"

Long Huangrong steps up to stand by Ye Gui Feng's side.

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