Eastern Domain Revolt

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Reaching the back of the valley Ye Gui Feng sees a giant wolf that is as tall as a mountain just sitting there on her stomach.

Growing out of its back are thin black ribbons that reminds one of a feathered robe. Seeing the imposing figure of the Sirius of the Misty Heavens puts Ye Gui Feng in a sense of awe.

"Mother wolf."

With Chun Chun in his hands Ye Gui Feng looks up at the mother wolf that moves her head down to meet him at ground level.

[Human why have you come here?]

"Well... First off was to get your support so that I can walk in the daylights of the Nie family's eyes and using that I will accomplish my objectives here by... Finding Nie Xuxu's grave to place a memento down."

The mother wolf narrows her eyes as if trying to see through Ye Gui Feng but she detects no sense of dishonestly.

[That's it?]

"I didn't come here by choice."

[You will have my support if you can chase out all the magic beasts on the eastern side of the Nie family's domain.]


As if reading Ye Gui Feng's concerns the mother wolf speaks.

[Transcendence realm magic beasts are all on the western side. Originally the ancestors of the Nie family made an agreement with us to separate our species. This is merely returning things to the way it should have been.]

"Then I can say that I have your support in... Revolting?"

[Think of it as you like. Take my daughter with you.]

Paying this matter no more heed the mother wolf turns her head away and closes her eyes.


Looking down at Chun Chun in his arms she seems to have a blissful expression on as Ye Gui Feng had subconsciously been rubbing the area under her chin.

[Lord this means that we're completely good to go then.]


Walking out of the valley and emerging to find the demonic beasts all looking towards him with eyes of expectation Ye Gui Feng smiles.

"We got the go ahead. We shall clear the entirety of the eastern territories of magic beasts and drive them all back to the western side! Within an hour tell every single demonic beast here to gather at the eastern mountain!"

*Grawr!* various cries of beasts ring out as the demonic beasts scattered to spread the news.

A large number went to the western side to call back the demonic beasts that lived there. Within an hour's time all the demonic beasts have assembled at the far eastern mountain.

Their group is lined up like a pack of loyal soldiers with Ye Gui Feng standing on top of a giant boulder as their leader.

By Ye Gui Feng's side are his two Jiangshis. Yin Lang stands by Ye Gui Feng's shoulder with a proud look whereas Chun Chun rests in Ye Gui Feng's arms.

"We need to end this quickly before the Nie family catches on."

Under the covering of the dense tree crowns hardly anyone would notice them until the battle begins.

"Listen up if the ancestors of the Nie family wants to kill me later you all better have my back. Make sure to let them know that you will all leave this place if they kill me."

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