Get Creative

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The following day...

"Well what can you tell me?"

Yao Nie Tian stands a bit behind Ye Gui Feng. They are currently in the backyards of the main courtyard. There was a large table set off to the side with tools.

In front of Ye Gui Feng is a normal looking Jiangshi dressed in a black set of robes.

"It looks pretty normal on the outside..."

"And what of the inside?"

Approaching the Jiangshi Ye Gui Feng raises its arm as if he was playing with an action figure.

"It's heavy..."

Even with the filling process done this feels far too heavy... Bending a joint on the Jiangshi Ye Gui Feng raises his ears. There was a specific sound that is quite faint but definitely there.

"Don't tell me this thing's entire skeletal system got swapped out with a metal one..."

"It's exactly what happened."

Yao Nie Tian nods approvingly towards Ye Gui Feng's keen observation.

"But that's not all."

Snapping a finger Yao Nie Tian causes the Jiangshi to suddenly shake. Dark needles pierce out of the Jiangshi's skin. These needles expand like water before covering up the entire body of the Jiangshi in dark armor.


Ye Gui Feng's eyes lit up with stars as he feels like he had just seen a vision of his childhood joys.

"The special metal used to construct this Jiangshi is called Dark Silver. It can be manipulated like water."

Snapping his finger once more Yao Nie Tian causes the most of the Dark Silver armor to move to the right side of the Jiangshi's arm while the extras move back into the body. It quickly transforms into a massive dark blade that covers up the entire arm.

"Well there's plenty of creative ways to go about this."

"I kind of wonder why can't you just simply create an entire metal body out of it?"

"This metal doesn't have a solid shape so it needs a container. Without magic to help maintain its shape it'd just become liquid."

They move onto dissecting the Jiangshi and revealing its interiors at the nearby table.

The fillings of the Jiangshi had been premade in a way to allow the Dark Silver to fill in the gaps where the bones should have been.

Even the Undead Ashes used is quite different from what Ye Gui Feng had seen in the past. It's similar to a jelly like substance than actual powder due to its firmness.

(Memory foam-ish...?)

Once the Jiangshi's armored form is triggered it uses the exterior armor to support its movements while providing better defense.

While inside the body the Dark Silver are wrapped up together in the form of fiber strands for increased weight support in the limbs.

The highest amount of Dark Silver is located in the torso area. There's a large amount of space here to contain it all.

"So how do you manipulate the metal?"

A bucket of Dark Silver in the form of liquid is brought out and placed onto the table. Poking a finger into the Dark Silver Ye Gui Feng is surprised to discover that it felt like a thick mix of batter.

The liquid form of Dark Silver rolls right off of the skin without lingering but it was dense enough that it can probably be similar to a firm punching bag.

This material is definitely similar to clay but unlike clay that dries and becomes brittle this can indefinitely keep itself in a malleable state.

The temperature of it is definitely colder than what Ye Gui Feng would have expected considering how it was a type of rare metal.

"It's actually quite easy with contact. Without contact it's somewhat more tricky but not that difficult either. Cloak it in your own magic energy."

It was indeed easy with physical contact as Ye Gui Feng managed to readily make a hammer out of the Dark Silver that's in the bucket but when he tries to do it without making contact the most he got is a thin needle.

It's very much similar to the manners of manipulating a Jiangshi except Ye Gui Feng isn't splitting up his magic into strings. He needs to make a net that covers up the entire Dark Silver while using the connection of a single string to control everything.

"Dammit you may as well say that you need telekinesis to do this..."

The advantage to this method is really just to be able to move everything through a single processing string so Ye Gui Feng needed only to think about an action for the Jiangshi to do so instead of having to go through the hassle of using multiple strings to get it to move.

"Well learn well. I'll be back to check on you in... Let's say six months."

"It won't really take that long now will it?"

"Who knows? Make sure to go to the item pavilion to get all the items listed."

Having said that Yao Nie Tian leaves to attend to other businesses leaving Ye Gui Feng to figure things out for himself. This isn't too different from his time in the Burial Grounds Sect.

Occasionally Ye Gui Feng and his senior brothers would go to Elder Shu to ask for some advice but in the end the old man would just give them a few pointers before leaving them to think about it on their own.

Delving too deep into someone else's teachings too long and one will have a harder time backing away from this route that's already been treaded on.

In art one needs to find their own style in order to make innovations of their own that's unique to themselves otherwise they will simply be copying off of another's style and limit themselves onto a single line of thinking that's without originality.

"A thin string..."

As one's divine sense increases with their cultivation it should make it easier for one's head to process information but Ye Gui Feng's path of cultivation is cut off from the heavens so he can't develop a powerful divine sense. In fact he most likely won't ever develop a divine sense the further along he goes...

"This means that it's impossible for me to use Uncle Nie Tian's method... In that case I need get creative... Ah."

Cupping his hands Ye Gui Feng suddenly thought about the broadband size of a 21st century internet connection. The bigger the broadband's size the easier and faster it would be for data to be transferred from one source to another.

"I'm a source so I could be the main server and the Jiangshi is the location that I need to send the data to. But that broadband is too small. ...So I could try to thicken the wire!"

Ye Gui Feng immediately starts to try out this method that he had just thought of. He moves five meters back from the bucket and tries it out.

It was a bit complicated for the first few trials until Ye Gui Feng got it right on the sixth attempt.

"Oh this could work."

It did indeed get easier to control the Dark Silver but it is rather taxing to use this method. The net part of the connection is far too dense making it consume more energy. Ye Gui Feng can only try to thin it with more practice.

"Alright I found a way around the needs for a powerful divine sense."

Having found a way to get around that issue rather quickly Ye Gui Feng begins to make his leave towards the item pavilion here in Mount Zhu Tian.

"This evildoer..."

Yao Nie Tian had seen what Ye Gui Feng had just done and is rather speechless about how fast the boy managed to find a way get the same results.

"*Sigh* he is either very creative or its just dumb luck..."

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