Considerate of Others

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With a hand to the bottom of his chin Ye Gui Feng looks at the ground. There were scar like markings here. By the side of the scar marks Ye Gui Feng looks to the statue next to him.

This statue is resting on top of a platform.


Without saying a word Ye Gui Feng moves to the front of the statue and places his hands onto the side of its platform.

With a firm grip on the surface of the statue's platform Ye Gui Feng exerts strength as he begins to slide it to the right.

The statue bulges as it moves over to the right and reveals a secret set of stairs that leads down.

"Aha! I knew it."

Ye Gui Feng walks down the staircase with Xiao Ju Hong behind him. To make sure that no one will follow after him he slides the entrance way shut before heading down. Soon he finds himself standing in an underground ruin.

The underground ruins are completely flooded by water. It looks to have been due to a flood that occurred here ages ago.

Droplets of water falling from up high echoes loudly upon hitting the grounds in this environment.

It was somewhat cold down here as Ye Gui Feng rubs the side of his arms. His breath comes out with smokes.

Looking around Ye Gui Feng sees that most of the structures are in the same shape as the ones up top.

Some had even fallen into the waters. If one looks closely some of these structures resembled houses.

"Was this place like the Burial Grounds Sect that's located underground?"

Followed by Xiao Ju Hong Ye Gui Feng begins to move. The bare bit of light that manages to come down here are reflected off of the waters giving the entirety of the ruins a watery coloration of cool blue.

"Like I said there's nothing to worry about."

"You sure about that?"

As Ye Gui Feng moves along he comes to a stop upon hearing some voices talking. Judging by the pitch of the voices one was a girl and another is a boy.


"You seem to be fitting right in with these people, especially that Ye Gui Feng."

Hearing his name mentioned Ye Gui Feng blinks his eyes and begins to peer out from his hiding spot.


*Thud!* a pile of rocks is hit by Ye Gui Feng's foot causing a few to fall from the top of the pile.

"Who's there!"

The feminine voice speaks and the sound of a blade slipping out of its scabbard is heard.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Stepping out of his hiding spot Ye Gui Feng comes out with his hands raised.


To Ye Gui Feng's surprise the two that were talking had been Gui Ling Ling and Feng Jian Yun.


Gui Ling Ling almost didn't recognize Ye Gui Feng. Her last impression of him had been that of a ruthless demonic cultivator that took joy in tormenting his enemies.

"Ye-shi- Ye-shixiong?"

Feng Jian Yun was just about to call Ye Gui Feng junior brother again but thinking about the other's status change into an Honorary Disciple he changes the honorifics.

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