Chapter 14: Afraid Of You

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Jin's pov

"Please," I put my hand up, "don't say anything just listen to me, okay?" Namjoon nodded, exhaling loudly, and moved the water around with his finger as I took a deep breath.

"I'm first off very sorry. I shouldn't have treated you like that when you saved my life so for that I am thankful, I was just.. shocked. It's like you finding out you're now only human. You hearing that you can't go back to, I think Jungkook said Atlantis? You would be mad right?"

"Yeah but-".

"No, listen. You saved my life, like I did yours, which I don't regret, not at all, never did, and never will. I overreacted like a child, and you acted as you should have, and for you to say you love me? You can't just drop a bomb on me like that. Are you even sure it's love and not just you being thankful I saved you?" Namjoon lowers his head, shaking it.

"I know the difference but I'm sorry, you were just so mad like I thought you would be, but you really hurt me Jin."

"I know guppie," I sighed, "nobody's ever loved me, I don't know how that feels but I have liked people and I think I like you too but I am not going to start bowing down to you cause your royalty." I saw Namjoon let out a small smile. "You're going to have to listen to me, and most of the time let me win the arguments." The merman laughed and I put my hand onto his.

"I like your tail." He said and I looked forward.

"It's like my surfboard but I'm really scared, Namjoon. I'm human or I at least used to be, I don't even know your customs and you're fucking royalty. I'm just an orphan cop." The merman hums and I felt his hand go over my tail. It felt odd because it feels like his hand would be going over my real leg.

It still felt nice though.

"Let me worry about my customs and family, but first we need to get your real legs back." I nodded eagerly and closed my eyes.

When I opened them I frowned and looked at Namjoon with a confused face.

"Just keep trying," he chuckled, "as I said, it's much harder for a siren. When we get you back to your house, I will talk to you more about merfolk and siren history which is much different than what other people might think."

"What was with the kiss about?" I asked. "I was definitely out of it but I do know what a kiss feels like." The man chuckled nervously with wide eyes that flew from me and the shoreline.

"I-I will tell you at your home, just close your eyes and try to think of your human self. I believe in you." I took a deep breath and did what I was told. After a couple more tries I could wiggle my toes but when I opened my eyes I screamed.

"What?" Namjoon looked at me panicked.

"Dude, I am naked!" I rushed, crossing my legs with my hands over my crotch.

"Oh right, you humans are so secretive of your bodies." I heard him mutter while taking off the shirt he was wearing and I quickly put it around me, it covered a little of down there but after pulling on the hem it started to stretch so it covered a little more of my dick. "No one cares if they see your body." I shrugged.

"Maybe not but I do, my dick and ass are mine." Namjoon rose a brow and suddenly I was lifted. I grabbed onto his shoulders and look at him and then at the ground.

"Stop worrying, Jin." He said, carrying bridal style up to the group.

"So you got everything out of your system?" I nodded to the others.

"Right, yes um I am truly sorry for how I acted in front of you all. I was shocked, mad, and really scared but Jungkook put me into my place which I desperately needed. And after talking to Namjoon, I am once again sorry for what you had to hear," I said looking at Taehyung since he asked the question.

Underwater Voices // NamJinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें