Chapter Twenty-Six

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Syllable For The Day - 'Christmas'



After an uneventful attack, I witnessed Alan's concern for me. I couldn't believe how he didn't think first about how he couldn't touch or be close to someone but he did those for me. 

I didn't know how to take this. For me, who was having romantic feelings towards Alan, such gestures were like an icing on the cake. 

I knew Alan didn't reflect those feelings towards me, but still, I couldn't stop but hope that he would, one day.

I shook my head trying to clear all the thoughts I was having on an early Christmas morning. 

I was awake and all set to celebrate an amazing Christmas. Waking up, I had my head filled with Alan. I had to concentrate on other things, too. 

I had a call from James. 

"Hello, Jamey Bottoms," I said cheerfully on the call. I heard a string of curses, directed towards Blake since he was the culprit.

"Well, hello to you, too, Blake's sister-in-law." He said and I laughed. That was his way of disowning me. I heard Blake's laughter in the back. My brother was good at keeping his husband entertained. 

"Well, reached town?" I asked directly. I had a few things to do today. I had to buy presents, yet. I was so busy and yesterday, I ended up having no chance to go out. 

"We will, in an hour. You wanted to come too?" He asked and I denied straightaway.

"I already had a word with Blake yesterday. It's Christmas today, so I don't want to ruin my mood. I was worried about you'll. Blair must be cold so wrap her up well." I informed and he hummed. 

"I'm covering her up quite well. You have to take care of yourself, too." He said with concern and I smiled hearing those words. I was sure Blake had told him that I had an attack and he was trying not to tell me that he knew. But, alas, I knew him and his words well.

"I will. I've recovered from yesterday. You know I only need a night of good sleep to recover completely, right?" I questioned him trying to sound casual and completely fine.

"I know but I can't stop worrying." He let out his feelings. He rarely did that and it made it sound even more special.

"I know. Now, I suggest you enjoy your Christmas and New Years well since you've decided to spend it with someone else. And, I will not be reckless like the last time, I promise." I told him before he went out to give a big lecture as he had done on the last New Year's Eve.

"You better. I know it's the first time that we'll be away for Christmas and New Year, but please be careful Era. I'm thankful to Mr Chadwick for his concern and help but it's still odd to me and it worries me." He said and I just shut my eyes.

I wasn't ready to listen to my brother criticizing to me about my relationship with a guy I was in love with but he still had no idea. It was all too early.

"James, don't worry. I'm going to be amazing no matter what. Now, be careful and don't take someone's words very seriously. I'd like you to be careful." I said immediately wanting to cut him off his further statements.

"I'll let you off, but be careful. Love you and take care." He said and I heard Blair's little cries in the background. I was a little glad for my little niece helping me.

"Love you, too. Bye!" I said and hung up the call. I would video call him at night and maybe catch a glimpse of someone. Not that I was worried, but I just wanted to see how happy someone was after kicking both the kids out of the house.

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