Chapter Sixteen

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Syllable For The Day - 'Engagement'



"Is that you, Era?" The voice asked again. It belonged to Jessica.

Was I ever forgetting her? Never.

"Oh, Jessica. What a coincidence!" I said with a fake smile and gritted teeth.

"I know right. I'm so happy to see you here." She with a bigger fake smile than mine. Anyways, no one could compete her in faking.


"Wait, I know what to make you happier." She said and turned around.

"Honey!" She said in, ironically, honey-laced voice.

"Yes?" The voice replied as he turned around from his phone call. I was pushed down the cliff, without even jumping.

"Ryan?" My mouth whispered before anything. The name I was so used to calling for three years in high school. My first puppy love.

I hadn't seen him for the last three years and now he was here.

"Era! Hey! How nice to see you, after so long." He gave me a genuine smile. Though, I wasn't in a state to reciprocate his smile.

"Yeah, right. What are you guys doing here... together?" I asked but in the next second, I just didn't want to hear the answer but the question was already out.

"We're been engaged, so we just came out for a trip. But we never expected to find you here." Jessica said as she slipped her hand in Ryan's arm and held him.

Okay, maybe he was my puppy love, I was still jealous. We didn't break up, aggressively. It was a mutual break up because I had to move away, back then.

Who knew, my so-called best friend had such intentions behind my back.

"Oh my, seriously? What a coincidence!" I said with a big smile on my face but internally I was shaking because I had no clue what to do next.

"Coincidence? What kind of coincidence?" Jessica flaunted blinking at me as if challenging me to speak further.

"Yes. Even we came here for a trip...for our private engagement party." I said and her eyes widened.

"May I meet your fiancée?" She was challenging me. I gulped down. I nodded as I turned back.

My eyes scanned all the guys and they had their woman on their hand. My eyes landed on Alan, who was the closest to me and didn't have a woman close to him.

I walked to him and he gave me a perplexed look.

"Alan, help me," I muttered and he blinked at me.

"Why?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"If you think I forgot about yesterday, you're wrong. If you want me to forgive you, you better help me now." I said to him with a smile on my face.

"Blackmail." He muttered and I stepped closer to him.

"Name it what you want. Just help me, please." I asked desperately now. I had to throw her off this cliff without actually throwing her.

"Once." He said and I gave him a big smile glad that he agreed. We both turned towards Jessica and Ryan.

"Here, my fiancée, Alan. Alan, this is Jessica and Ryan, my...high-school friends." I said and linked my arm to Alan's.

Jessica put her hand forward to shake but Alan didn't even blink.

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