Chapter Five

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Syllable For The Day - 'Silence'



The day had started with tons of meetings and I was really worried about how I would handle them, but gladly Alex came to work.

"You here?" I asked him and he nodded excitedly.

"Ace is off with Alicia, Celia, and Lilac, considering Danielle is coming back. So, I get a good time to work and I'll help." He said and I nodded.

"Four meetings," I informed him and he nodded indicating that he already knew.

"Where is Blake?" Alex asked as he saw that Blake wasn't around.

"Family stuff. Back in some time." He nodded.

"The first is the Japan meeting. It is indeed an important deal." Alex said and I nodded.

"Mr. Takashi is too talkative, you talk," I told him and sighed as I remembered the last time he had come. My head was off with the amount of talking he had done.

Alex let out a loud laugh and I glared him.

"I'll never really understand what you have against talking. You've still got better at answering than like previous times where you just ignored." He commented as he read the file for the meeting.

"Grace is a good company," I commented. Alex just huffed like a little kid but nodded with a fond smile of remembrance.

Since New Year's, four months ago, Grace had helped me change bit by bit. I was at least comfortable talking around my close family members.

I still remember that day,


"Alan, hold Ethan for a while or place him in the crib. I'll just get Tris cleaned off." Grace said holding Tristan in her arms and I nodded even though I was starving. I decided to just hold him and play with him for a while.

The little devils were still three months old but still very naughty. Even though it was February, it wasn't snowing but it was cold enough.

Ethan was wrapped in a warm sweater making him look like a doll with big layers. Grace came back and placed both of them in their cribs.

I held my stomach as it ached a bit and Grace kept looking at me with worried eyes. My stomach growled and Grace gave me a look of understanding. I felt embarrassed.

"Alan, you should've told me you were famished. I would've cooked you something first." She said as she walked towards the kitchen.

"It's okay," I said but she glared me.

"You have to learn to be comfortable enough at least just to tell me or Alex, if there is anything important. I know you only speak important things, but such things are also considered as important. You being hungry, or having a stomach ache or not feeling well anything." She said and I didn't say anything, just listened to her.

Suddenly, Ethan started crying. Grace put the Mac and cheese in the oven, as she trudged over to Ethan and pulled him in her arms.

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