Chapter Forty (Part Two)

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Note: Part One is also published, don't miss it.

Syllable For The Day - 'Love-Making'



When I told him about my past, which was long overdue, I felt calm and at peace. I was glad I got to tell him what was my past.

I wanted to tell him because I wanted him to be with me in the long run. I also wanted him to know that I trusted him enough to tell him about a past that always worried me.

Alan comforted me and it looked like he admired me. His eyes were shining bright but he also had something going on inside him.

It wasn't like I wanted him to tell me about what always bothered him but I just wanted him to trust me enough to confide in me.

It was just that trust. I didn't want him to fear this. I wanted him to be as free as he wanted rather than the close she'll he always wanted to be but giving small glimpses.

Alan said he wanted to confess something, too. I assured him that it was okay whenever he wanted to tell me and not to felt burdened because of me.

"Twenty-two years is a long time." He said and looked into my eyes.

I was a lot more shocked to hear the amount of time he'd been suffering. It was four years and I still remember the cold feeling, I could only then understand how deep his scar was if he couldn't let go for Twenty-two years.

At that moment, I felt like he hadn't been showing his pain or hurt as much as I was thinking. I suddenly felt his pain and I was somehow feeling very complex knowing that he was sharing his pain with me.

I knew one thing and that was even after knowing anything, I would be strong enough and my love for him wouldn't faint. I will be strong if he falls in weak but I would protect him.

"I was six. Meril; my sister, was four. We were playing in the garden. Our balcony on the first floor was in construction." He said and took a pause.

I finally understood he had indeed said Meril back then. Now I know whom he called but I didn't know why yet.

"We were playing hide and seek. She ran into the house and hid behind a plank in the balcony. The workers were on a break. I was searching for her and found her there." He said and slowly took deep breaths. It was hard for him.

"I...I ran to her but she ran back and slipped." Alan muttered and the amount of pain that held his voice made my eyes tear up.

"I rushed to hold her. I held her hand...this hand..." Alan said looking at his right hand and his eyes were filled with tears.

"... I held her. She was mute so she couldn't scream. I screamed but nothing happened. Help wasn't there. My hand loosened and she fell calling me, 'Chris'. It was her first and last word." When he finished his statement, tears fell down his eyes and mine, too.

"Mom and Dad know it. I was suffering over there so I ran away. Just like always. I can't handle that...that I was the reason she...died." He hiccupped.

"That day, I realised words didn't help. Since then, I didn't want to talk until necessary. I decided to be strong than wordy." He muttered looking angry at himself.

"If I had known the outcome, I would've never played that game... would've never let others leave us alone...I would've been with my family... wouldn't haven't lost her like that!" His tone raised an octave but at the same time tears fell.

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