Chapter Thirty-One

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Syllable For The Day - 'Date'



Alan was driving and I couldn't stop but admire him. The way he was looking, I couldn't imagine a guy like being with me, not talking about the relationship but even just friends.

I was happy.

"Why stare at me?" He questioned and I blinked as I realised I hadn't blinked in a while.

"You're looking very handsome today," I muttered shamelessly. Alan let out a surprised choke but gave me one a glance.

"You're very honest." He commented and I nodded with a sly smile.

"Learning from you, I guess." I retorted and he chuckled.

"I'm glad." He said and looked forward.

"You know what Alan, you've changed so much from the first time I had met you. And it's all for the better." I told him and he chuckled.

"Era, what do you think when did you first met me?" He asked me and I gave him a confused glance.

"When I started working as the Nanny?" I questioned and he chuckled.

"Today, I'll show you the truth with this date." He told me and my heart was in my mouth hearing what he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Just see and know." And he kept quiet after then. I was excited to see what he wanted to show and I was just plain excited to know.



"What are we doing at Target?" I questioned and he shook his head and guided me to walk with him.

He guided me to one section where honey loops were on the shelf. I gave him a weird look.

"Pick the biggest packet." He said to me, and I nodded, still confused. I tried to take it, but it was difficult since it was on the top shelf.

I was trying but suddenly Alan pulled the honey loops and gave it to me. The scene felt very familiar.

"Take care." He said and acted as if he was going to walk away. He stopped and then looked at me.

My eyes widened as I recalled the same scene that happened while I was pregnant.

" were that person?" I asked as shock covered my face. Alan nodded.

"The third time we met." He said, and another shock hit me. I put a hand on my mouth.

"Third?" I questioned and he nodded. My heartbeat was faster than usual.

The thought that he remembered that this was the third place we had met, made my heart bloom and blossom.

"Let's go." He said and I nodded, now very excited and energetic.

"Let's bill it after I buy a few more things," I said and he nodded with a smile.

I bought a few chocolates, baby stuff and some snacks. Alan was the one who was holding the trolley and all the woman were eyeing him.

I couldn't deny that I was very jealous and that was the reason I doubled my speed and took all the stuff.

We were at the counter and the cashier smiled at Alan.

"Do we give away two icecream tubs to all the pregnant women?" He asked Alan and his face turned red.

"He...he was the one who asked that?" I asked and he confirmed.

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