0.0 || I love you.

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August 4th, 2017

"I'm moving." She said after breaking the bit of silence that fell when she said she had something to tell her.

"Okay? We can drive the distance. No big deal" BIllie spoke so confidently, like she didn't recently get her permit.

"No, like. I'm moving to Maine." Liah added, messing with her hands. They were clammy and felt fuzzy.

"What? Why that far?" She asked and stood up straight looking at her girlfriend while her arms were crossed.

"I don't know. I don't want too, but I have to." The brunette looked at her and ran her hands through her hair.

"For how long?" She sighed and bit her bottom lip.

"Six months? It's not that long I promise." Liah took Billie's hands and held them. Looking at her, the both of them could feel the dread already.

"Its better than a year." letting out a long sigh she looked at her smiling so faintly.

"Exactly. I love you Bil." Liah, put her hand on Billie's face and put her forehead on hers.

"I love you too, Liah."

Liah kissed Billie's forehead, telling her she'd be okay. She backed up leaving her house and got into her car driving off. BIllie closed the door and leaned against it, sighing, while Maggie turned the corner looking at her. She stood there and watched her, asking her what was wrong.

"Me and Liah are taking a break, cause she's moving to maine-." She mocked the state name and looked at her mom.

"I'm sorry, hunny. How long is she leaving for?" She moved her away from the door and sat on the couch.

"She said six months. I have a feeling  it'll be longer because of her dads work." She ran her hair through her hair and sat on the arm of the couch.

Billie let out a loud groan, and rested her head in her hands after rubbing her eyes. After a while she stood up, mumbling curse words under her breath, and went to her room.

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