0.6 || Colson.

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It was past noon and Daliah was still passed out curled on under the blankets and clothes still on her bed from the other day. She was starting to wake up a slight bit and could feel the warmth of the sun peeking through the curtains. Her body was and wasn't waking up at the same time which made her stay in bed longer. She got a jolt of adrenaline as someone yelled coming into her room.

"Wake up sleep sloth." Colson barged into her room and shook her fully awake till she sat up.

"My god. I'm awake." she yawned and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Now you are. It's 3pm, why are you still asleep?" He flattened a piece of her hair that was sticking up and smiled watching her get her wits about her.

"Cause I wanted to? What are you doing here?" She waited till her eyes adjusted till she looked up at him.

"I am taking you for food and you are going to get ready to go to that place they're always at." He opened her curtains to let the sunlight in, which made her groan loudly and pull the cover of her face throwing her body on the bed.

"Why today? It hasn't even been two weeks." She held on tightly, acting like her little brother when he has to take medicine when he's sick.

"I don't waste time." he laughed and pulled her leg making her get off the bed. "Come on you agreed with Mal to do this for her."

"I know." She sat on the floor wrapping herself up like a burrito and looked at him; her face only showing. "You could have told me first so I could mentally prepare myself for this." She whined and wiggled in place still looking at him, with his arms crossed.

"I didn't want you too, cause you do that enough already." He held out his hand and motioned for her to take it, to pull her to her feet.

"Well..." She got lost for words and took his hand. Being brought to her feet she put the blanket she was hiding in, on the bed which made Colson clap cause he was getting somewhere with her. "It's nice to see you after two years." Liah added and smiled softly at him.

"Thank you. I missed you so much." He hugged her tightly and wrapped his arms around her neck.

"I missed you too." She put her arms around his torso and took in his warmth. The two hugged for a hot second and she pulled away looking at him. "I'll get dressed and you can wait a minute." She pushed him out of her room which seemed to the both of them that she never left.

She shut the door after he rolled his eye at her and she stuck her tongue out at him. Going over to her half full closet she grabbed a shirt and a skirt from her dresser. Liah put everything on and tucked the shirt in the hem of the skirt which was a good idea she thought. She put on a belt and went to the bathroom brushing her teeth and put two small pigtails in her hair.

She went back to her room grabbing knee socks and grabbed her most basic shoes which were converse. She held them in her hand, grabbing her phone and wallet she went to walk down the stairs. Once she hit the bottom stair she heard a "nope" from beside her and saw her friend.

"You're not wearing converse. Not on my watch." he took her hand and dragged her back up to her room starting to search her closet.

"What's wrong with them?" She looked offended like he personally attacked her and pouted a bit.

"Don't get me wrong I love your style, it's iconic but you can't go through with this and wear what you always wear, and that's converse. Don't get offended my god, it's just for tonight." He didn't see what he was looking for in her closet and just opened a box looking in that.

"So we're digging in my stuff now?" She asked, tossing her shoes on the floor and rocked back and forth on her heels.

"Yes... now let me do my thing." He chuckled and pulled out the heels she wore once and never again.

"Those? I haven't worn them in months." Liah took them and sat on her bed taking her socks off and putting the heels on

"Exactly. Now put them on so we can get cheap food." He undid the buckle for the other one watched her put them on and buckle the single strap back up

She stood up feeling a little on sturdy and regained her balance. She put her phone in between her and her skirt and saw Colson get happy with what she was wearing. The both of them went down the stairs and locked up the house saying goodbye to her cat that was at the door. Both of them walked out and went to get into his car, with Liah second guessing if what she was doing, she should go through with it.


"Happy birthday, Liah." She yelled over her computer screen and watched her smile.

"Thank you! I didn't think you would remember." She said and laughed watching her from her laptop screen.

"Why wouldn't i?" Billie asked and cocked her head at her thinking she did something wrong.

"Cause you have your own life. I don't expect you to call for something like this." She shrugged and looked down at her keyboard tapping her nails on the keypad.

"I want to call you though." She smiled reassuring her and watched her nod.

"I know... how was your day?" She changed the subject and looked at the screen smiling slightly.

"Shit..." Billie groaned and sat back in the passenger car seat.


"I actually take that back. It was good till I got mad at a song I'm writing and threw it away." She rubbed her tongue over her teeth rolling her eyes.

"What made you mad at it?" Liah asked and laughed softly at her which made her smile hearing her laugh.

"The last chorus. I have everything else, just that one part." She made her hands into a circle like she was strangeling something and sighed putting her hands down.

"I'm sorry. Maybe one day you'll be famous." She said jokingly and rested her head in her hands.

"I doubt it. Something like that is a one in a million chance." She sat up having her one knee to her chest sitting up.

"Maybe you are that one in a million chance, Bils." She put her mouth to one side and watched her mind wonder.

"Maybe... that would be cool if i was." She smiled just thinking about it and how people would look up to her.

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