5.1 || Eternity

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After Liah's mom shit her down about looking at the apartment she was looking at, she invited Skylar, and Claudia. The two never really spoke to each-other much, both were there for moral support. Skylar liked the view from the large windows, and Claudia liked the openness of the place. The off white coloured walls were visioned with decor, and photos.

"The place is really cute Liah. Why don't you ask someone to move on with you?" Skylar, looked around in the empty kitchen, opening the shelves to look inside.

"I don't know. I want to, but I kinda want to be alone too." She shrugged and sat in the middle of the living room.

"I think you should do what makes you feel comfortable. But please don't shut yourself in all the time. You'll get even more pale." Claudia smiled and kneeled down next to her.

"I won't I promise."

Sky, looked at the two on the floor and joined them shortly after. She lied on her stomach, and rested her head on her arms. The three stayed in silence, just liking the company of each-other. The front door swung open with a soft female voice coming from the entrance.

"How are you all liking it?" She got startled when she saw the three on the floor and just smiled.

"It's really nice. Thank you for showing me this one."

"Of course! It is being highly eyed, so if you really like it, we should close the whole thing soon." The black haired woman opened a folder and skimmed the list of people she still had to show apartments too.

"Yeah I know... I'll text you about it after tonight. Hopefully that's not to late."


"I'm home!"

Liah threw her bag onto the floor and her mom ran out of the living room, meeting her daughter at the stairs. Her mother had a grin on her face, with her hands in front of her.

"How was the apartment?" She looked excited for what she had to say, but was giving a smart remark.

"Well if you went you'd know... it doesn't matter. Maybe you'll see the next one." After she took her shoes off, she picked up her bag and went up the stairs to her room.

"Oh come on... don't be like that!"

The bedroom door closed and the warmth of the sun peered through the windows. The golden rays shined brightly around the room, till she closed her curtains. When she went into the bathroom she put her hands on the sink and looked at herself in the mirror. Her skin was flushed red and hints of yellow were seen under her eyes.

Liah took the makeup wiped from a drawer, and started to wipe off the makeup she put on. The eyeliner smudged around her eyes, and the lipstick she had on smeared onto her skin. After finally getting it all off, Liah rinsed her face with water and wiped her skin dry. Still looking at herself, she exited the bathroom to change into something oversized and comfortable.

Shorts and old hoodie that she thinks Finneas gave her... but she didn't know when. The tight jeans she had on was finally being thrown onto the floor, and the shirt too. Putting her clean clothes on she went back to the bathroom to put her hair into a messy bun. When she stared at herself in the mirror she remembered the shiny gold chain that was still placed around her neck.

The necklace Billie gave her was still around her neck from the night she came home. Putting the necklace back underneath the sweatshirt, she turned off the bathroom light and curled up under the covers on her bed. She was missed texts from her dad and Billie she felt bad for missing her dads, but she didn't know how to really talk to Billie anymore.

Dad: "I hope the apartment hunting goes well!"

Billie <3 : "do you wanna to go get food at a new cafe in LA, this weekend? I'll buy :)"

Dad : "I'll make dinner tonight, you can invite Skylar or the O'Connells if you want."

Billie <3 : "Claudia said you were looking at apartments. I am too, but I kinda have my eyes on this cute house."

Billie <3 : "Bro I miss you. Please resurrect from the dead soon ❤️"

The "I miss you." In Billie text made Liah feel shitty, but at the same time, she stopped looking at the messages and put music on. Before she could roll over to make herself sleep, she got another message, but from Maggie. Taken aback by a name she never sees that often anymore, she responded.

Mama #2 :  "We miss you. I hope you're doing well Liah."

Liah: "Actually... is Billie there right now?"

"Mama #2 : "No she's with Zoe and Drew."

Liah: "Perfect. Can I come over and talk to you about something? My parents wouldn't know how to help... and I really miss you."

Mama #2 : "of course you can. Give me ten minutes And you can come over whenever."

Liah: "Thank you so much Mama.."

She threw the covers off of her and she stood up from the pile of covers. She put her phone in her pocket and silently made her way to the front door. When she reached the bottom step, she grabbed her shoes and snuck out the front door. Liah sat on the porch step putting her shoes on, and began walking down the street.

Maggie said to give her ten minutes, but the walk was atleast a twenty minute walk. Ironically it felt like a long time whenever she'd go see Billie almost everyday, but that was forever ago. Moving to Maine was probably the worst move her parents could have made. Even Liah lied to herself when she told anyone, she didn't know who the Billie Eilish was. Cause she didn't get to cheer her on as her friend from the start.

It felt like an eternity.
And the eternity felt like hell in the end.

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