3.0|| All The Things She Said

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'Choose the ones who look at you like they just realized you exist.'

"How long are you staying?" August looked up from his phone and looked over at his sister, who was in the driver's seat.

"A week. It's not long but it's better than nothing." She gave him a small smile before focusing her gaze back onto the road.

"I'm glad you're home.. Now that you're moved out- can i have your room?"

"Wow!" She scoffed and shook her head slightly. "No, I still have my stuff in there. If i didn't then maybe i would say yes."

"Dang It-" He sighed and slouched back down into the seat, and looked back at his phone.

The drive was only about 15 minutes from the house, August walked it all the time. The whole family was going to walk to the school, but everyone had their own thing to do today. Their parents had a meeting in L.A. Skylar was catching up with friends, and Liah was at home with her brother. Most of everyone was already at the school already, the two of them were late cause Liah lost track of time.

She finally pulled into the already semi packed parking lot, and found a parking spot almost immediately. Turning off the car and throwing her keys into her bag, the two of them got out of the car ready to walk to the doors of the auditorium. The lady at the front of the doors looked like she hated her job, she was handing out visitor name tags, and plastic wristbands for the kids attending the school.

When August and Liah got their name tags and wristbands, she quickly lost sight of her little brother. He was running through the building's doors before she could yell for him to stop. Running after him, she quickly lost sight of him in the crowd. Looking in the gym, she couldn't see him with their parents or Liars friends. She yelled out his name again. She heard a name being yelled back, but in her brother's voice. He didn't yell her name.

The name he yelled made her freeze and look around quicker. Finally she felt a tap on her shoulder, before she walked away from her spot. She saw a tall man holding her brother's hand. She's never been so glad to see his face.

"I'm not the boy you're looking for- but I have returned your brother to you." He chuckled seeing the look on her face.

"Damnit Auggy, you scared me..." She put her hand on his head and then watched his teacher pull him away, needing him in the back with the rest of the kids. "I thought you weren't gonna come tonight?" She hugged him tightly, feeling him hug her back, equally as tight.

"I talked to my parents and our manager. To make up for us not being there tonight we leave extremely early in the morning. Billie isn't happy about the plan changing, but we left her in the car" He rubbed her back and saw his parents talking to Liah's family in their section.

Liah pulled away looking at him and smiled feeling tears fall down her cheeks, she wiped them away and sniffled. She made herself laugh and then hid her face in her hands.

"I didn't think you would come, I didn't mind either because I knew you were busy. You didn't have to." She murmured into her hands and finally looked at him composing herself to hug him again.

"I haven't seen you since you moved out, and that was, what? Almost two years ago? I would cancel anything to see you if I could arrange it." He moved her hands from her face and held them in his hands looking at her. "She may not talk to you but I know she was debating on coming in."

"I don't think she knows I'm even here does she?" She could feel her face heating up with the thought of seeing her. Looking down at her shoes for a moment, then back up seeing the halls become less and less crowded.

"She doesn't- I told her there was food though, so she might come in, but i don't think so?" he shrugged and finally let her hands go, putting his hand in his pockets.

"I don't really want to talk about anything with her right now. Everything still really hurts, and part of it was my fault– You'll be the first to know if I do want to talk things over with her though."

Liah took a few steps back, and finally moved into the gym with him. The two took their seats next to their families. Finneas sat in front of them and next to a girl wearing a white dress, with a small bag in her lap. Her skin was a pretty tan color and her hair was a healthy color of brown, which made Liah a little self conscious. Finneas turned around in his seat, looking at Liah introducing the girl as his girlfriend. 

"Liah! I've heard so much about you, all good I promise." She smiled wide and held out her hand to shake it. The lingering smell of her perfume told Liah it was expensive, which made her even more nervous.

"Wow- okay-" Liah smiled and shook her hand. " You're absolutely stunning-" Liah made herself laugh a bit, which made Claudia's cheek flush slightly

She had rings on both of her hands, they matched her outfit and complimented her skin tone and her entire appearance. Finneas felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and excused himself, leaving the two of them to talk. Liah admired Claudia, she admired how she was dressed, how she was so much taller than her, and even how her eyes were sparkling.

"You used to date Finneas' little sister right?" Claudia finally spoke up and turned her body more, so she was comfortable. "I'm sorry if it's a really personal question, I bet you're tired of hearing it."

"I used to, yes. You're also totally fine, I don't mind talking about it." Liah lied, she felt a pit in her stomach form once again. "I've known the whole family since I was... 15 I think?" She forced a smile that told Claudia she was okay to talk about Billie.

"I won't talk about it if you don't want me to. All the things she says about you are amazing. She talks about you a lot, half the time she doesn't even realize she's talking about you– i think it's cute."

She talks about me?

I haven't talked about her that much... should i?

it's been six months since I've actually intentionally talked about her.

Now that she's here i cant stop but think about her. Seeing her, even.

I'll get through it

I'll get past this

I miss you but i don't want you in my head

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