2.8 || Closer

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'If tomorrow brings hope, I hope it brings you.'

Small rain drops splattered across the windshield of Liah's car as she came to a complete stop on the highway. The Radio was playing songs from her playlist she made, and the light from her phone maps illuminated her face. She was barely out of Washington and already hoping Skylar would make her turn around. Skylar was asleep, next to her in the passenger seat, her face hidden in her sweatshirts hoodie 

Liah hated driving when someone wasn't awake to keep her company, or just to listen to music. Almost always needing someone to be awake with her, while she made long drives. Half an hour in traffic passed, the flow of the cars was almost back to normal. Liah turned the music up slightly when a different song came on so she'd feel less alone. A pit in her stomach made her start to feel uneasy as she took the proper exits to California. A new found fear sat in her head. Where ever Liah was, she was scared Billie would be to.

Her started to wonder from reality, to her thinking of stuff she didn't push to the farthest parts of her mind. The necklace she was wearing, sometimes pained her to remember. Every time she caught a glance of it, her heart hurt even more. Even the clothes that wasn't picked up and returned, made her feel even worse.

 She thought of bringing them to a thrift store. Or burning them in a bonfire, in her parents back yard. Or even just giving them to Finneas. either way she couldn't and didn't part with them. Liah made up every excuse about not being able to get rid of her stuff, Skylar saw it and let her cope the way she needed too.

The way she coped was staying up all night, finding a job that wouldn't leave her going home smelling like pizza. She coped by decorating the entire apartment, when ever she feels like rearranging everything. Liah even got another cat to keep Fish company when the both of them are at work.  on since she moved out and got broken up with the week after she told Billie she loved her. It didn't go well for her when she heard her say the words.

"Liah?" Skylar said, trying to get her attention. She waved her hand in-front of her face. "Liah!"

"What?" She snapped out of her thoughts and looked over at her and back at the road.

"You okay? I've been trying to talk to you for a while and you've been staring out the Windshield. You also look really pale, are you okay?" She asked and put her headphones down from around her neck.

"I uhm... I was thinking that's all."

"Thinking or sulking?" She shook her head sitting up straight in the passengers seat. "i love you, but if she really wanted you, she would have tried a-lot harder to stay with you. Kissing you was a really shitty thing to do, and i still am really sorry. I told her that but i thought she would fight a-lot harder to love you." She watched Liah's hands grip the steering wheel tightly, sitting back into her seat.

"I don't want to talk about her, okay? Especially to you... I have contact with her brother and that's all i need. That's all i want." Liah noticed her knuckles turning white from how hard she's gripping the wheel, and loosened her grip. Skylar nodded, Sinking down into the seat, with her phone up to her face


"Auggy!" Liah busted into the front door of her parents house, yelling for her brother almost immediately 

"Daliah!" Her brother put down his tablet and ran to her sister running into her, he held onto her waist tightly.

"Me and Sky left yesterday, so we could make it before noon. It was a long and tiring night of driving, that's all i know. I didn't really pay attention to time." She got hug from her parents, making sure not to squish August. 

"Did you drive after work?" Her mom asked and pulled away, looking at her daughter.

 "She's grown, we can't get on her for driving that late anymore." He looked over at her and then held onto his daughter, who enjoyed hugging for this long.

"I was okay Mom. Sky drove when I got tired. We had a system so we didn't wreck or anything." She kissed her dad on the cheek and pulled away from him.

"As long as you're safe about it, I guess it's fine." She sighed and crossed her arms. "We missed you Daliah."

"I missed you to Mom. I miss home more than i thought i would. I was thinking of moving back home, and getting my own place when i have enough saved up. I'd be alot closer to you and my friends-" 

"You could be closer to Billie and Finneas also!" He said happily and looked so happy mentoning them. He saw his sisters smile fade a little bit. "What? Did i say something wrong?" He looked at his parents and then Liah.

"No not at all! I'd love to be closer to them aswell!" She smiled to calm her brother a little bit.


"No it's okay! I would love to be closer to both of them, I really would." She smiled at her mom

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