5.2 || the dinner i won't write

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"You don't think it's too much?" Liah washed the dishes that were in the sink, while Maggie dried them and put them away.

"Not at all. I think she'll really like it." When she smiled at Daliah, the back door swung open, and the sound of keys were heard. "You're welcome to stay for dinner, hunny."

"Mom, I'm home!" Billie yelled and started talking about someone that was rude to the three of them today.


"Listen mom. You know why I hate being famous, sometimes? It's the rude people that chase me down when I'm doing stuff. Like what the fuck!" Billie yelled and threw her bag and phone on the bar. "The worst part is... just wait. The date for my music video got pushed back more? Jesus-"

"Billie!" Maggie finally cut her off, by raising her voice a little higher than hers. "Liah's here."

"Hi." She smiled and held up her hand waving to Billie from across the kitchen.

"You're here!" Billie made her voice go higher pitched, into a baby voice. "I'm so happy!" She waddled over to Liah, and hugged her rocking her side-to-side.

"Yeah. And you're here." When Daliah hugged her back, Maggie watched the two share their moment. "I uhm... I was actually gonna ask your mom if y'all wanted to have dinner... with my family. Like when we were kids." Pulling away from the hug, she smiled and put her hands in her pockets.

"We'd love to hunny!" Maggie had a big smile on her face, and so did Billie.

"What time do you need us to be there?"

"Around 7pm is fine. I should get going though. Thank you for having me over Mama."


"How did you find me?" Liah stood at the door and looked at the male figure standing on her porch.

"Claire had your address in her phone notes. I needed to see you again." His face was lit up by the porch light, as it turned on closer to dark.

"My family is here. You shouldn't be here at all. Jesus fucking Christ-"

"Please? I wanna talk about what happened that night."

"And you came to LA to talk about it? Really..." The sound of her family and the O'Connell's laughing in the background was all that was heard while she stayed silent. "Go home." Liah started to shut the door before Claudia and Finneas walked into the driveway.

"Hey Liah!" Claudia giggled a bit and quickly ran to her, hugging her tightly.

"Hey! Go inside, there's food on the table for you both, you guys can sit next to Bils, and my dad." She smiled and hugged Finneas, than left him inside too.

"So you don't just have 'family' over... do you." He put air quotes over family and gave her a stare.

"These people are my family, and you about fucked it up with one of them, Jace." She started to shut the door again, but before she fully closed it she looked at him. "Stay out of other people shit Jace."

"I needed to see you again. You just left without saying anything. You quit and never even put in your two weeks." He watched Liah put her head in her hands.

"Yeah. I quit. I quit my job, I quit my lease, I quit my doctors, Jace... I quit and I came home! My home. Not Maine, not Washington." Pushing him farther onto the porch, she closed the door behind her as she stepped onto the welcome mat.


"I told you things. Important things! I told you about Billie, my ex best friend in Maine, things about me; and you still don't understand why I left?"

"You left cause of me!"

"No!" Liah yelled and hushed herself by putting her hands in-front of her mouth, and rolled her eyes.

"Then why? Tel me why you left in such a hurry."

"Because the girl I'm still in-love with wanted me to come home. But that girl left so soon out of Washington after you called yourself my boyfriend." His face went pale and knew no excuse or explanation could help himself out of this situation.

"She told you about that?"

"Yeah!" Liah scoffed and put her hands in her back pockets. "The sad part is that I was starting to like you, before I saw her again."

"I really liked you and I was scared-"

"Being scared shouldn't make you hurt someone you knew I loved!" Yelling again, she put her hand on the door handle, starting to turn it slightly. "I wasn't mad at her. I wasn't sad, or angry when I saw her face. I just felt safe... and at home." When she opened the door, the sound of laughter was heard echoing throughout the house again. "Please go home."

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