3.3 || Look Alive, Sunshine

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'My mind drowns in the possibility of me and you.'

When I looked up to see her face I felt weak, like the first time she kissed me. I felt exactly like that, and when I stood up I could feel my knees were weak beneath me. I left after she stood up after me, i didn't know what to say or how to act because I wasn't ready to see her. I walked out to the parking lot and around the building just trying to get away from her.

She was here and I ran away from her cause I was afraid to even look her in the face. Billie was someone i had cried over for months after i had left everything behind and i only thought of her.

Why am I thinking about her when I know she's not thinking about me?

A male voice called her name in the distance but she kept walking, till she felt like stopping. She found her way onto a track field and climbed to the top of the bleachers, she sat down on them and looked out at the track going around the football field. She hung her head between her knees and had her hands covering the back of her head. The wind blew her clothes tighter to her body and she shivered from how cold it was, she sat up and then leaned back on the fence that kept other people from falling.

"Liah!" The voice said again but this time closer than it was before. She looked around and saw her dad looking for her and then stopped at the bottom of the fence where the gate to get in was.

"I'm up her daddy." She said loud enough for him to hear her. He looked around to find her and saw her head up against the wire fence.

He opened the fence so he could get in and then went over to the bleachers and walked up the metal stairs. He stopped at the top and sat next to her, he could see how she was feeling, the feeling of being hurt and scared. It radiated off of her like heat, and he could feel it, let alone see it on her.

"You want to explain why you're sitting on the bleachers, outside?"

"You don't like talking about it, so just leave it... please. It seems like no one else can, and I get that. I'm just not someone that wants to talk about her, and that's all people want to talk about." She looked at her dad and then went back to staring at the sky, seeing a plane go above them.

"I may not like the topic but i like seeing you happy, and i haven't seen you for two years. The one time I do see you, I don't see you. I see how hurt you are and you're hiding it." He nudged her a bit and made her look at him fully this time. She rested her elbows on her knees and hung her head between them.

"She's in the building and I was sitting next to her. I was okay with knowing she was here, but i didn't think she would actually come inside." Liah breathed her words out forcing herself to talk about her and just not the words she and her.

"I know you're tired of hearing it but maybe you need to talk to her, if you know she wont." Sawyer said and looked at just how she was hating the conversation.

"Cause she said my name. After two years of her not talking to me the one thing she says is my name!" She breathed out the words in the middle of an exhale and looked at her dad, her hair covering half her face.

"I think you need to talk to Skylar about this, not cause i don't like talking about it- i just don't know how much you both have been through cause you never really ever talked about her." He put his arm around her and moved her into his side. She put her head on his shoulder and whined at the thought of bringing it up to her.

The two sat there not saying anything after that, the both of them just stared out in-front of them. Liah finally moved her head up from his shoulder and groaned and stood up, she went over to the stairs and looked back at her dad. He gave her a soft smile and followed her, the both of them walked in silence back to the school where everyone was gathered. Liah's mom saw them both turn the corner once they got back to the front of the school and sighed in relief.

Finneas and his family were there as well and Claudia was talking to August, who was a bright pink because he finally got to see her at his level. Liah hid behind her dad when they got closer and glanced up occasionally seeing Billie behind her brother. The both of them were the same with things, but they refused to admit it. Liah was nudged beside her father and so was Billie but they were both beside each other now.

The two felt like awkward five year olds whom their parents were trying to make them friends. Billie took a quick glance of her and then her hands, that were shaking from the cold breeze that was coming through. She wanted to do nothing but take her hand and hold her to keep her warm but she couldn't nor could she stand beside her any longer. She turned away and walked away from the whole group, Liah watched her leave and excused herself from the group and went to find her. Liah was only a few car lengths behind her, she could hear Billie  mumbling to herself and saw her hands moving by her side.

"You're leaving again and not even saying goodbye this time?" She spoke up and watched her turn around to look at her.

"Why do you even care? You ran away when you saw I was beside you." She raised her voice keeping her distance between the both of them.

"Yeah but i knew you were at least on the property, i wasn't expecting to actually see you." She crossed her arms, tucking her hands under to keep them warm and to make them stop shaking.

"I knew you were here too, I just didn't think I would see you either. I thought I'd see you from across the damn room and call it a night. I wasn't expecting you to sit on the bench I was near." She shoved her hands in the pocket of her sweatshirt and felt the wind blow on her legs and so did Liah, regretting wearing a skirt.

"Look alive, sunshine. You were the one who stopped responding to any of my voicemails!" Billie yelled and from the distance she was at she could still see the disgust on Liah's face.

"Me? Are you fucking serious? I told you I loved you and then you left. Not to mention you broke up with me a week later! You broke me!" while she was talking she started to walk to Billie which made her nervous. Liah scoffed and looked at him when she stopped a few feet in-front of her. "Did you not see how much I actually loved you? Or were you just not looking?"

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