5.4 // Letters In Boxes

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(Kinda short chapter, here ya go you fiends)

When Billie threw her stuff on the couch, and stormed off into her room, to Liah she resembled a little girl. She closed her bedroom door and played music, as Liah was standing in the foyer. Billies dog, greeted her with his wet nose and soft licks on her hands. She looked her grip on the hem of her shirt and knelt down to his face.

"Aren't you the cutest thing." She let out a soft laugh as he licked her face.

She stood up and went to the living room that was lit up by shelves, with awards on them. Pictures of Finneas and notes of the nights they won them. The room was cozy, maybe Maggie helped her decorate? Maybe Billie did it herself? Either way it was a cute room. The dog ran past her with a toy in his mouth, and jumped on one of the chairs, looking at her.

She sat on the same couch he was on and looked at his name tag. "Shark." The name made his head tilt to the side. "She named you Shark? That's so cute."

"Don't make fun of the name, he's the cutest." Billie came from behind a corner with a towel in her hand, drying her hair. "Sorry... I had to take a shower to clear my head. I'm sorry I scared you..."

"You didn't scare me."

"Your hands were clinching onto the hem of your shirt... don't lie." She laughed a bit and sat on the chair across from Liah.

"Yeah..." silence filled the room for a moment till she couldn't take it anymore. "You can be mad. At him. I'm mad at him, but mainly cause he lied to you." The girl took her shoes off and crossed her legs on the couch.

"I'm mad that he was right. And I hate when men are right." Billie stood up and reached her hand out. "I wanna show you something."

Liah took her hand, and was lead to her bedroom, down the hall. She sat her on the bed and turned on a light in her closet. Pulled down a shoe box, with stuff in it she showed it to Liah.

"What's that?"

"A box of stuff I got when I was touring, that I thought you would like, and letters... lots of letters." Billie took out the mass amounts of letters to Daliah, and shoved the box closer to her.

It was filled with post cards with gorgeous views on them, with the date and times she got them. Keychains, in one corner and sea shells Billie picked up on beaches. There were bracelets, necklaces and rings in drawstring bags, and a shirt from one of her shows.

"I think everything I could ever say, and apologise for, are in these letters... I know I could have lied or my managers about us, I don't know why I didn't." Her eyes started to turn red as she looked at the letters being held together by rubber bands.

"I forgive you. I don't need a letter to tell me how sorry you are. I'll read them but I forgave you a long time ago." Liah took Billies hands in hers to reassure her.

"You have?"

"I can't stay mad at you forever Bils! You're literally apart of me." She smiled and kissed her forehead.

Billie moved her hands and held her forehead to hers, making her stay close to her. Her hands rested on her head, and Liah made hers rest on Billie's head, on the same spot. They felt close once again and connected again, something that they missed. The pair stayed that way for a while till Liah pulled away to look at her, a single tear tan down Billies face, and she sipped it away with her finger.

"I missed you." Billies voice cracked and moved her hands to cup Liah's face.

"I missed you too." Glancing at her lip as it quivered as she inhaled she felt her heart break.

Before she could really take another breath, she leaned into Billie and kissed her tasting the salt from her tears that stained her face. The two now had tears in their kiss, from them both crying. Holding onto her face, Billie moved her hands to her waist, holding onto her tightly, like this was a dream, and she was gonna fade away.

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