3.4 || Peace And Love

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'When i saw you i fell in love with you, and you smiled because you knew.'

"Sissy!" August jumped up on the bed and started to jump up and down to wake her up.

"Yes, August? What do you need at-" She stopped talking and checked the time on her phone. "Ten in the morning?" She looked at him and saw his face.

"You said you would take me to her rocks like you have." He smiled and dropped on the bed. His legs were in-front of him and looked at her hair completely knotted and frizzed out from sleeping.

"I didn't... let me get dressed and i'll take you to get food and then we'll go to the store okay?" She took the covers off her and went up from the bed.

His voice went high when he agreed and  then she heard the sound of his feet hitting the carpet, the muffled sound of him running out of her room and then the door closing. She brushed through her hair and went to her bathroom to wash her face and put on the tiny bit of makeup she wore. Liah looked at herself in the bathroom mirror and put her hand on the necklace that glimmered when it caught the light. She took her hands behind her neck and unclasped it, Liah looked at it and put it in the small box she had by the sink.

Feeling sick to her stomach from taking it off for the first time in years, she turned the light off and went to her closet getting clothes. Pulling out a loose sweater and then going to her dresser getting jeans that she felt would look cute with it. Liah took her shirt off making sure not to smudge anything and then carefully put the shirt, the sleeves came past her hands a bit which made her happy. She finished her outfit and buttoned her jeans up, and then put on her socks and shoes.

Liah unplugged her phone and got her keys from her bedside table. She flipped her hair to a side part then walked out of her room and down the stairs to the living room. August was sitting on the floor with a notebook and a pencil, humming the song he sang last night. She watched him and then said his name, making his head shoot up to look at her. He rushed to the front door to put his shoes on while Liah was in the kitchen getting something to wake her up.

'Liah. we were going to wake you up, but you were snoring so we left you alone. Your mom and I, put money in your wallet to get August and you something. We had to go take Finneas to the airport because he missed his plane. We'll see you later. I love you. XOX - dad'

"August! Do you wanna get food before or after the store?" She asked reading the little napkin taped to the fridge for her to see.

"After, if that's okay. I was going to ask if I could show you this place that fosters dogs?" He asked and sat on the bar stool, having his arms on the counter.

"Is this your way of trying to get me to get you a puppy?" Liah put her hand on her hip looking at him and he shook his head.

She laughed and nodded her head telling him yes and she smiled pumping his fist in the air. She folded the napkin and put it in her back pocket, she walked around to where he was and picked him up then gently put him on the ground. August ran to the door and Liah followed, getting ready to lock the door when she left. She turned the lock to the right place and git her bag from the floor by the door and closed it, hearing it lock.


The both of them walked into the store she was taking him too and his face lit up like a christmas tree. She gave him money to get something for himself and told him the meaning of the labeled crystals and what they all meant. He was amazed that she knew what they all did and how she loved talking about them, he watched her hand move from one to another. Liah pointed out certain ones that she would keep in her car when she needed courage, healing, faith or energy.

She let him roam around the store but he mainly stayed near her, he picked up three of the ones she looked at and then passed, he watched her look at other things and gently put the three of them on the counter in front of the clerk. The guy looked down at him and checked him out, putting the things he handed to him in a paper bag with tissue paper around either of them. He took the change the guy gave him and went to his sister with the bag. She tore her attention from the necklace and looked down at him with his little bag with the store name on it.

"You got something already?" She asked and put the necklace on the velvet neck piece.

"Yeah I did! I'll show you when we leave." He smiled up at her happily and held on to the nape of her sweater.

"I love you Auggy, you know that?" She held his hand and kept looking at the necklaces on the small pieces. When she felt most drawn to one she picked it up after checking the price and smiled when she knew she was going to get it.

"I love you too Ali. I wish you didn't live so far though." He said and held onto her hand to the checkout again.

"I know, I do too." Liah gently laid the necklace down on the counter and the clerk smiled at the both of them.

"You and your son look so much alike. I think it's cool that he takes an interest in things that you do too." He scanned the barcode and gently wrapped it in the tissue, then in the small paper bag.

"He's actually my brother.  He's always been engaged with things I like. Everyone does say we look alike so it's an easy mix up." She corrected him and then handed him the money when he said the price.

"I'm so sorry. That's actually really tight, that you have a bond with your brother. I wish i had that with mine." He smiled and gave her the correct change and waved them goodbye.

They walked out of the store and he was pulling her to a bench a few stores down, so he could show her what he got. He was excited and he was stuttering, something that her whole family does when excited or anxious. She laughed and sat down with him on the bench in front of a small local restaurant.

"Here. I got these for you." He handed her the two crystals from the tissue. One was for peace and the other for love.

"For me? Why me, August?"

"Colson comes by and talks to me about your drama in your life." He said with a straight face. "He told me that you need to be peaceful and need to find love again and when you told me about these two i wanted to get them for you." He smiled and watched her face when he told her about what Colson does. "I may be fourteen but I pay attention very well."

"I can tell." She smiled and held them in her hands. "I really appreciate this, you know that?"

"I know. You need it from what he said." He shrugged and put them back in the bag so she didn't have to carry them.

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