3.1 || Alice

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'If love turns lonely, let it go.'

"Why did you call me out here?" Finneas asked and looked at his sister in the passenger seat.

"To tell you three things." She sat up straight in the seat, looking at him who was standing outside of the car. "First of all, I hate you for making a detour to see August, do something for his school. I love the boy too, but why act like we literally don't have a show tomorrow?. Second of all, you didn't tell me Daliah was gonna be here. You know how proud she is of her brother, and it didn't occur to you to tell me she was here? Let alone drive all the way from Seattle to be here?" She saw his face form a frown and continued her rant. "Lastly. When all of this is over, I'm walking home. If I did it now mom and dad would kill me."

"Skylar and Colson told me not to tell you." He mumbled under his breath and watched her become even more mad.

"Skylar? You took a request from Skylar?!" She scoffed, shaking her head and running her hands through her hair. "How did she even get your number? Wait- let me guess. Dahlia gave it to her? Since all of you are just amazing close friends?" She made air quotes around 'close friends' while giving a look that could, and would have killed him.

"No actually. I asked for it. When you broke up with Liah, the week after she told you she fucking loved you!" He raised his voice and threw his hands up in the air.

"I was going on my first tour! I hated the thought of leaving her for months on end and barely talking to her while traveling. I hate that I did it like that, I regret it everyday!" Billie moved her entire body to face her brother. His arms were crossed across his chest and he gave her an equally mad look.

"It was your choice to not ever call or even text her. You talk about her basically everyday, you don't even realize it. You don't have to say her name for me to know it's about her. You don't realize it, but going almost two years, again, without someone who made you genuinely happy, has taken a toll on you. Everyone can see it.Its in your music Billie." He watched how her expressions softened and sighed, hearing a muffled woman talk on a microphone in the school

"I love you... Just drop it already, okay? Claudia already loves her, so i don't know why you wont let yourself love her, just like you always have." Billie watched her brother walk away with his hands to the side of him.

Billie turned around in her seat and watched her brother from the mirror on the side of the car. She rested her head on the car's headrest, staring at the inside of the car in-front of her. The occasional car passed the school and she ran through her thoughts in her head. She started to have her own conversation with herself in the car. Thinking about actually going inside, made her a little nervous. Maybe she'd take the attention away from the other kids. Then again, maybe not. She was dressed in a sweatshirt and shorts, and her hair was a different color now. Sighing she turned off the car and grabbed her phone from the middle console.

She fixed her hair a little bit by running her hands through the small knots in her hair. Billie finally found herself rushing out of the car, and sneaking into the school, 20 minutes after he left. She tried to make as little noise as she could as she entered through the school doors. Finally she only had to get through the gym doors which were already closed. Taking a deep breath she slowly opened the double doors, and squeezed through.

The room was filled with rows and rows of proud friends and family. Only two people stood out to her though. A ginger and a dark haired girl. Her brother and Daliah. Billies hand began to have electricity shoot through them, she stayed close to the back of the Gym, till she saw an opened seat. It was a few rows behind Skylar, who was practically on-top of Daliah. It made her sick.

Billie maneuvered around people to get to the empty seat, careful to not step on anyone's feet. The stage was lit up in the center, with a little girl singing an Ed Sheeran song, it was so obvious, but it made Billie smile. Not smiling at the thought of her being nervous, but the thought of her having her very own kid, to teach her to sing, and play instruments.

After a while, she didn't realize she had dissociated, till she heard the song end and the name of the next kid, along with the song title. August didn't look as nervous as the other kid's which was really surprising. He stood up at the microphone, listening to his family cheer for him. Billie saw Liah's family, Claudia and finneas stand up, for him. The smile that plastered on his face was so cute.

August was musically raised by his grandmother, and Liah when they were in Maine. He had a good voice and he made sure to listen to Liah, with anything she taught him. He kept his eyes closed for a few seconds, working up the courage to look at everyone staring back at him.


"Ali, did you see me!?" He ran up to her and was pulled into a tight hug by his sister.

"I did Auggy, i'm so proud of you!" She held onto him, almost squishing him.

"Ali? Are you going by your middle name now?" Finneas asked, looking at her funny. She gave him a playful glance and let go of her brother.

"It's something I let him call me. He likes it and it's kinda special to me that he calls me 'Ali' or 'Alice'... He also thinks it makes him cooler than anyone else"

"I am cooler than anyone else, what do you mean!" He laughed and showed Finneas his metal award. "I'm gonna go find mom and dad!" Just as quick as he appeared, he disappeared just as fast, completely ignoring Claudia.

"I'm really sorry, he's really excited-"

"Don't be! He's adorable." Claudia pulled her purse further onto her shoulder, and followed Finneas into the hallway.

Liah followed them both into the now crowded hallway, seeing all the kids with their parents. She slipped away from both of them and went to get a drink. Billie watched her from the open Gymnasium doors, it wasn't a clear view but it was okay. Keeping her gaze on Liah, her hands felt sweaty, her getting more nervous by the second. Her nervousness set in even more when she got her drink and started to move to where she was.

Billie quickly moved behind people, sitting next to her brother. He looked at her kind of shocked. More amazed she was beside him than anything.

"Are you gonna see her"

"Probably not... I think I wanna go now." She smiled and stood up again, wiping her hands on her legs.

"Hey i got you both water's-" Liah walked up beside Billie, not recognising she was next to her.

For a split second everything stopped for Billie. Her mind went blank while looking at her brother. Claudia looked almost clueless as to why she looked so scared all of a sudden. Billie could hear Liah's voice so clearly now. It wasn't in her head, or in a voicemail. It was right beside her

Liah finally looked up from the both of them, finally seeing a figure beside her.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" She froze. The color in her face disappeared as she looked in her eyes.



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