5.0 || Wtf do i name this?

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(Shorter chapter kinda, cause I'm really busy with work and things. But I got see Billie, I'm so happy!!)

Before the sun fully rose, and anyone woke, in Colsons apartment, Skylar got a good look at Billie passed out. She looked really peaceful with her mouth open and drool on her cheek. She turned her nose up and went into the kitchen and got a water from the fridge. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail and she walked out of the apartment with his key in her bra.

As she made her way down the stairs and outside she thought of what she was gonna tell Liah. Nothing would be best but she couldn't not tell her, Blythe girl she still loved was with another girl... again. The cool air hit Skylars face, which was refreshing for her. The view of the orange and pink was painted across the sky with a hint of red clouds in the distance.

Skylar stretched, and put her headphones in as she started her morning run in clothes she never wears. The feeling of a large shirt hitting her knees was uncomfortable for her, but she made it work. As she ran she thought over things.

Those things turned into scenarios.
Scenarios turned into problems.
Problems turned into more issues.
And the issues turned into drama.

Atleast to Skylar they did. She ran to clear her head, but this time, at this current moment it wasn't helping. An hour run later she returned to Colson's apartment, and jogged up the flight of stairs she had to climb. Taking the key out of her bra, she unlocked the door and quietly snuck herself back inside. She put his key back onto his keychain, and made her way to the linen closet where some of her stuff was.

A few shirts, shorts, and undergarments were still in a small box on a shelf. She took what she needed and a shirt from his closet. She also grabbed a towel and washcloth so she could take a quick shower to get the seat off of her. A girl mumbled Colson's name which made Skylar quickly make her way into the bathroom, and lock the door. She didn't know what to say to Billie if it was her that was already awake.

Brushing it off she hesitated but unlocked the bathroom door and turned on the water. Once it got a little warm she stripped out of her sweaty clothes and stepped into the shower. Letting the water run over her, she took the cloth and ran it across her body. When she put soap on the cloth she smelled like... however you'd describe mens shower gel or Cologne.

When she put her face under the semi-warm water, a faint knock was at the door. Sky froze and covered her parts, like she was visible to the person.

"Hey. It's just me." Colson muttered and covered his face, as he stuck his head in the door crack. "Is it okay if I use the bathroom?"

"Oh... yeah sure I don't mind." Shouldn't you be... passed out till noon?"

"I was high.. not drunk. But yes I should I don't know why I'm not." He shrugged and put the clothes that were on the floor, in the hamper by the toilet.

"Is uhm... is Billie awake?" She resumed to wash the soap off her skin and turn off the water.

"I think? I don't know I didn't look."


"So..." Billie looked at her with her hands on her knee, and quickly diverted her gaze when she looked at her.

"So." Liah avoided all eye contact she could, and just looked at her occasionally.

"I should... go." Skylar said and quickly headed out of Liah's room, giving either of them no time to protest.

The awkward silence was really loud, which made both of them nervously mover some part of themselves. Billie rocked back and forth, and Liah moved her legs up and down. Billie finding out through seeing Skylar, coming out of the bathroom wasn't a go to moment.

"Who knew you were here?" She spoke, breaking the silence, and looked at her hoping she'd make eye contact.


"Don't lie to me Daliah.." She crossed her arms and watched as she rubbed her face with her hands.

"Finneas and Claudia." Liah mumbled under her breath, that was covered with her hands.

"I can't hear can you say that again?"

"Finneas and Claudia.." She said again and looked at her.

Billie wasn't mad at Liah for keeping it from her, cause she would have done the same. She was upset she just wasn't the first person she saw besides her family. She sighed and ran her hands through her wet hair and sat on the floor in-front of her bed. Liah moved over and sat next to her, but faced her, she gave her a small smile, which made Billie smile at her.

"So... you're not mad at me?" Liah spoke up a bit more and held her hand out.

"No." Billie pulled her into her and hugged her tightly. "I'm glad you're back home... I really missed you being down the street from me. The only thing Is, is that I don't live at home anymore."

"That's okay... I know you and Fin will still be there all the time. I'm glad to finally see you again Bils."

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