2.3 || Listen Before I Go

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The flight back to California was more nerve wracking than her way to Maine. Keeping what her and her counselor talked about in her mind she felt better with everything, knowing everything was built up on stress. Colson was waiting for her at the Baggage claim staring at his phone screen reading the texts she was sending to him. She stopped texting him a few minutes after her plane had landed and she had to put her phone in her lap and put her bag under her seat.

'Flight DL1644 is now landing, please turn off all devices and please put your trays up with your seat belts on. Welcome to California.'

Liah could feel the stewardess have an ear to ear smile on her face, which made her feel awkward around them because she knew they were fake. Her knee was bouncing up and down as she could feel the turbulence of the plane. She kept her eyes out the window beside her and watched the plane come closer to making contact with the pavement. Once the plane finally landed the sound of seatbelts unbuckling and overhead compartments opening made her more comfortable.

She unbuckled her belt off of her and grabbed her bag from beneath, starting to make her way into the isle. She dug her headphones out of her pocket not wanting to hear much of anything after the flight. She was finally in the airport itself and followed signs to baggage claim. She pulled her texts up between her and Colson, texting him letting him know she was okay and coming to where he was.

"Liah!" she heard over her soft playing music. She turned her head when she got off the escalator and saw Colson waving his hands back and forth so she would see him.

She went to run to him, when she reached the touching distance she hugged his neck tightly. He was both scared and scared for her, he hugged her back, since he hasn't really seen her in a while. The two stayed there for a minute not saying anything, while Liah's bag and phone was laying on the shiny airport floor.

"Are you dying? You never are excited to hug me." He chuckled and pulled away looking down at her.

"I'm not dying, Colson." She laughed and picked up her stuff and slung her bag over her shoulder. "I wanna go home..."

"I can take you home, that's why i'm here." He smiled wide and closed his eyes making the wrinkles of his eyes stand out. She punched his shoulder playfully, so he acted like he was hurt and held his shoulder walking with her.

"Ow! I have been wounded! How dare you hurt my good arm." He flung his other arm around her shoulder and purposely bumped into her making her stumble to the side a bit.

She rolled her eyes and walked out to his car in the parking garage, and got in after putting her bag on the floor. She slouched down on the seat and plugged her phone in to charge which made her happy. He smiled watching her and started the car, and then carefully backing out of the spot he was in. He started to drive out of the parking garage, seeing the sun starting to set over the tall freeway exits.


Billie sighed and picked her phone up looking at the blank screen having no notifications. She threw her phone and heard it crack when it hit the wall. She hid her face underneath all the covers she had on her bed curling into a ball. She let the warmth of her breath give her the feeling that she was suffocating by her own will. She felt something shy up against her and peered her head out seeing Pepper laying on the foot of her bed.

Groaning, she gave her half the bed and moved closer to the wall covering herself up with pillows and a bear she had on her bed. She could hear Finneas Singing from his room and then the faint clicking of a song he was already working on. Her door opened after she cleared him out of her head, and heard his voice but only in her room.

"Hey Billie?" He asked not really sure if she was in her room or not.

"Go away." She said but her voice was muffled by the blankets and pillows cushioning her.

"I know you loved her but hiding isn't gonna me it feel any better-"

"Love... i love her finneas." Billie corrected him through the mountain of things on top of her. She moved them off of her and sat up with her hair a mess "And i can be sad, okay? I broke up with someone I love a lot and the only thing she could say was she thought she could love me. Let alone kiss her best friend." She made a face of mockery and threw herself backward staring at her ceiling.

"She told you she didn't remember it, so what makes you think Lena was right?" he sat on her bed beside her and petted Peppers head. "I love you and I lived with you bringing her here, but she didn't make you happy and you know that. Mom and dad saw it. The happiest you have been in two years was with Liah, whether she was hurting you or you were hurting her." He moved the blanket and pillows to see her. Her hands were covering her face, and she groaned not wanting to hear anything about Lena.

"No no no no- don't say her name..." She shushed him before he could say her name again and looked at him.

Her eyes were red and puffy, and now her hair was a mess along with a cracked phone that he was handing her. She looked at the screen and tapped the screen making sure it turned on still. She sighed in relief when it showed the screen with an art piece someone made her, with a few texts on it.

Liah: "Colson said you leave tomorrow?"

Liah: "You don't have to answer but I thought we could talk before you leave?"

Liah: "just listen before i go."

"You okay?" Finneas saw her tapping the screen every few seconds reading the same three texts and he started to get worried about her.

"Liah wants to talk before I leave tomorrow." She looked at him when she sat up, parts of her hair sticking up making it hard to take her seriously.

"Well say yes you idiot."

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