4.1 || Bulletproof

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"I smiled. We were under the same sky atleast."

When the month wait for the two to finally see each other, without one being avoided and the other upset, was long anticipated. The second Daliah was lead to Billies dressing room, she got overly nervous and sick. Finneas had to leave her after a bit after her lead her to the room which she didn't care. After almost two hours and a few episodes of Killing Eve, later she heard billies voice pass by the room.

She stood up and then sat down thinking it was too straight forward. Her hands started to shake when the familiar laugh that she once loved, was so close. Liah's stomach started to get caught up in knots, thinking she was stalling. The door finally opened and Billie was greeted with a very anxious looking female on her dressing room couch.

"You're here... i thought i was gonna-"

"Finneas came and got me at work. He said it would be better but i don't know if that was true right now." Liah stood up and messed with her bracelet while she looked in front of her.

"No that's okay. I just wasn't expecting you to be in the room i guess." Billie stammered over her words and slowly stepped closer to her.

"I can leave it doesn't make me any difference, if you want i can just go home and we can do this another time?"

"Chill the hell out. You're fine." Billie took a quick notice at how nervous and scared she looked, and pulled her into a hug.

Liah stood for a second not sure how to respond to her touch and felt tears in her eyes. Her arms wrapped around Billie's neck and she felt her grip tighten on her waist. The two girls forgotten what their touch feels like to one another, which felt like a relief to feel it again. Billie was clammy from jumping and dancing on stage but Liah didn't care, as she kept her head near her neck.

"I told you, you deserved so much better of a goodbye than what i gave you... It was a shorty move." Billie mumbled and laid her head on Liah's shoulder.

"We should have been better." Liah added and pulled away, not wanting to get attached to her again so quickly.

She smiled at Liah and just took in her presence while she was in front of her. "I deserved it." Giving a nervous laugh, she leaned back on her heels and went to her clothes rack and grabbed clean clothes. "Give me a minute to change and we can go wherever you want to go, okay?"

Liah nodded and went to leave the room before she stopped her.

"You want me in here while you change?" She asked confused, and looked at her, who was taking her shoes off already.

"I mean... you don't have to. You can go out with Finneas and my parents if you want too." Her face got red when she looked up at her, seeing the confused look on her face.

"Don't you- have a girlfriend?" Liah's hand left the door handle while she crossed her arms looking at her feet.

"Technically? No? But also yes." She sighed And tan her hand through her hair. "it's confusing. You're right, you can leave and hang with Fin."

Liah gave her a defeated smile and reached for the handle to leave. She pulled the door shut and went to the room down the hall where Finneas was. His door was open while he was messing with his hair in a mirror on the wall. He was humming a song that sounded familiar, and when he saw her figure in the door way he stopped.

"There you are!" He turned around quickly and shut the door behind her.

"Yep... i'm here." She gave him a sad look and sat down. "I don't know why i agreed to see her, she's the same and i thought i could see her and hate her. That's not true though. I can be pissed at her but i can't hate her." She looked up at him and then looked around.

"What are you looking for?" He asked before he could ask anything else.

"something to calm my nerves." She muttered and threw her head back. "i wanna go home."

"Okay. For starters? Take a deep breath and relax. I brought the idea up to her, i thought it would be good, see if she would say 'fuck you' to the people who said she couldn't be with you." He sat next to her and she laid her head down in his lap.

"I'm one person, who is still in-love with a now famous girl and best friends with her brother... how relaxing."

Liah, started to rave about how she could feel every feeling she had for Billie, flood back when she saw her. The tears in her eyes, told him everything about how she felt even though she forgot somethings. Before he could give her any advice she was
crying to him about how she was sorry, even though she had
nothing to be sorry about.

"You're okay. I promise." Finneas held her close to his chest and held her.

"I have to be strong, but i'm so tired right now." She cried and rested her head on his chest.

"You're one person. You have work, bills, your physical and mental health to take care off. You're not bulletproof, you're fine to cry and be vulnerable." He put his chin on her head talking softly to help calm her down a bit.

"I just can't let her see me like this anymore... i'm tired of her seeing me cry and Billie think i'm always like this." Liah wiped her eyes with her hands, making sure to not smudge her eye makeup.

"Crying shows strength. You are the strongest person i know. I couldn't be more proud of you than to see you try and fix things, when things aren't the best for either of you." He picked up
his head and they looked at each other. "I've known you for years and i've seen so many sides of you. Along with Billie. I've never seen two people love so much than you two do. That kind of love never dies."

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