4.5 || Moving Home

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"Eyes so blue I drown."

"Montgomery residents." The man said when he picked up the landline.

"..Hey dad." Liah sighed and looked over at the two cars packed full with things. "Can I ash you a really big favour?"

"Hey hunny, yeah of course you can. Do you need money? I can send some for rent-"

"No- no. It's not like that, I promise. I wouldn't ask you something like that anyways." The pit in her stomach got bigger and she could feel her hands start sweating again. "Can me and Skylar move in for a while? I want to come home, and my friends are there."

"Yeah of course. We would love to have you back home, for a while. Did something happen that changed your mind?" He sat on the couch next Kathrine, and put it on speaker.

"There's, uhm... there's someone very important to me and I really miss her." A small smile creeped onto her face and she looked at Skylar who was on the phone as well.

"That kind of love never dies Daliah." Her mom said and went back to her reading.

"Yeah, you're right mom. I'll be there in a few days, okay? Tell August too."

Hanging up the phone she felt a lot more at peace with her decision, to move back to L.A. . The only other person she had to call was the only person who was going to enjoy the conversation too well. Dialling the number she was less stressed and less conflicted with herself. Once it started ringing, she put her hand under her arm and paced a bit.

"Well hello there Alice. Did you just resurrect from the dead or something?" He said and ended with a chuckle.

"Very funny. Ha ha. I'm really sorry I didn't call sooner. Or much at all."

"Don't be it's totally okay. I would be busy too if I was seen with a celebrity!" He yelled and had a slight fanboy moment.

"Yeah.. about that." Liah paused for a brief moment and had a smile on her face. "Do you- wanna FaceTime? So I can see your expression when I tell you?"

"Uhh yeah! Of course!" Within seconds he hung up and FaceTimed her as quick as he could.

When Liah answered and was setting down the phone against a surface, and was in a building.

"What was so important for this babe, are you dying? Listen you can't die wearing a scarf around your neck, that's a no-go-" His voice changed and he sat her up against something, while he was in the back of his work.

"I'm moving back home, Colson."

He fell silent and looked at her for a bit, while he processed what she said. He covered his mouth and he stood up from his chair, and punched the air.

"Bitch! Really? Oh my god, this is great- is Sky coming with?"

"She is yes." She smiled even bigger watching his face turn red, and how excited he was."

"About fucking time. I knew you weren't built for Washington state weather. You were barely built for Maine weather." He calmed himself down and sat back down in the chair he was in.

"There's was a lot that I needed to fix, and when I did, I met up with a certain girl, and she made me wanna come back home... but I'm not telling her yet."

"Damn, girl. Well I'm glad you want to come back home. I really miss you, and Skylar." He face was still stuck in a cheeky smile, and the wrinkles beside his eyes were deep.

"She misses you too." A notification popped up in a banner form at the top of her screen.

Skylar: "Hey, I'm ready we can go now. I'm sorry that took so long :) "

"Hey- I gotta go Shes ready to start going again. I'll text you when we're there and we can hang out together. I promise." She picked up the phone and walked to the door, to leave.

"You better. Be safe okay?"

"We will I promise." She blew him an kiss through the phone and hung up when he did the same.

When she walked outside the cold hit her in the face, and turned her nose red again. She stood in between two cars, watching the traffic, and guessing when she could run across the road. When it was clear she mad her way to Skylar and leaned against her car.

"You ready to go home Liah?" She did the same and leaned against her car hood.

"Yeah I am... are you ready to go home Sky?" Liah looked at her shake her head.

"No but, you're someone I've lived with now, and you're my best friend. Where you want me to go I'll go." She laughed a bit and watched Liah's cat lie in the dashboard. "What did your parents say?"

"They said yes, and we don't have a spare bedroom, or a proper basement, so you'll sleep in my room with me."

"Sounds great. We should get going then?" Moving off the car hood she fumbled with her keys and unlocked her car.

"Yeah." Liah got her keys from her coat jacket. "Long drive to L.A. here we go." Laughing the thought of the drive off the two split and got into their separate cars, and turned them on.

Turning the heat on almost immediately, the music turned on and she put her phone on the charger and pulled up the gps. Liah, put her head back for a moment and took a deep breath, knowning it was a big and poor thought of plan she had. Compulsively she moved back home for a girl she still had feelings for, and it took a week and a half to completely understand. After the night they met up, was a turning point and yet a night she was going to pass up.

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