0.8 || Family Bonding.

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"What are you doing? Where are you going?" Skylar finally caught up to her and grabbed her hand.

"Home. I can't be in there with her any longer. Forget about it okay." She tried walking from her but was pulled back by Skylar, pulling her into her body.

"Listen to me okay? Calm down it'll be okay." Hugging her, she rubbed her back feeling her hug back, her grip weak.

The two stayed there swaying slightly which calmed Liah, down a bit. Her voice wasn't cracking and her hands weren't shaky. Hearing someone call both their names the two pulled away from each other and watched Colson catch up to them. He looked at her very confused and scratched his head.

"What the hell happened?" He asked and put his hands in his pockets giving the two a bit of space.

"Yeah i just... i don't have a reason, I just think we shouldn't be friends, that's all." She wasn't wrong cause she didn't have a reason why she didn't want to be friends with Billie. Liah took a tie from her arm and put her hair up not wanting to deal with it right now.

"If I may... from personal experience, no one ever falls out of love with the previous person. It's always something about the current person that reminds you of that person. So maybe to her, in a way Lena reminds her of you." Skylar watched her and looked at her friend who was nodding his head agreeing.

Skylar saw her eyes were foggy and dreary which disheartened her approach on the situation. Hearing what Colson said about what the two had, she got sad that the two couldn't be together. Clearly seeing the way Billie looked at her in that moment, she could feel the attraction radiating off of her to Liah, but clearly she ignored it. The three just stood in the middle of the sidewalk talking, and from that point on Liah blacked out everything that happened.


"No way that's so lame." August yelled from the other side of the door.

"Auggy come on! Just one game? If you do it i'll buy you food." She tried opening the door once again, still not getting anywhere from the locked door.

The sound of a door unlocking was like music to Daliah's ear's and saw her brothers head peek out from the door. He had a small grin on his face that made her shy away from the door. He started bartering her for what food he would get and she caved. The two agreed on what she would get him and he fully came out of his room and skipped down the hall to the stair.

She sighed and followed him down the stairs and went to the dining room where both parents were sitting with a puzzle scattered on the table. She sat down next to her dad and August next to their mom, and they greeted them by saying what they were doing. The two kids listened to them talk about how the family was starting a 'family bonding' time cause they never did anything. Liah started and picked up a piece,finding another that matched.

"Liah lied, this isn't a game." August spoke up and did the same but having trouble find pieces because they were too small.

"I offered to buy you food, don't be greedy you gremlin." She countered and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Mature, Dahlia." her dad interrupted and matched a small piece together with hers.

"How else was I going to get him to come?" She asked and got up sitting next to him moving more pieces closer to him.

"Oh, let her alone." Liah's mom got up and sat next to her husband just leaving the two of them to their own part of the puzzle.

"She bribed him Kathrine." He snickered and watched them struggle to put things together.

"You would have done the same thing dad." She looked up and cocked her head knowing he knew she got 'bribing' her brother, from him.

They laughed and then they both went quiet, having their own little conversation amongst them both. He would have trouble finding a piece and she would shuffle more over to him, taking the ones he had. The two of them were a cliche brother sister duo who never really fought. You only could really read about a relationship like that but the two of them had a lot in common which was surprising. Liah had that dream of having someone to fall back on but hoped they were older and not her brother.

He called her down from manic spikes of anxiety, and the pressure she had in school. Even at sixteen, her cared more about his sister than anything. Lush felt bad in a way, but also proud he was a caring person. Looking back at the other day, she regretted the things she said to Billie. Knowing August loved Billie like his own sister, Liah couldn't bear to tell him how far they've drifted. Her body may feel like she was being electrocuted now, but she was at peace with it.

"Daliah?" Her mom waved her hand in-front of her face. " you okay? You've been staring at the table for like five minutes now. Do you need anything?" She asked concerned, sitting back in her seat.

I blanked out...

"Yeah i'm okay. I didn't even take notice. I'm sorry." She smiled and saw her brother had a small little chunk together.

"Look- i did something!" He blurted out, proud of himself and smiling up at his sister, seeing her smile widen back at him.

"I'm so proud of you Auggy." She ruffled his hair and laughed to herself.

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