1.2|| Seven Placements.

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"Happy birthday!" Skylar shouted coming through the front door that Liah's brother had opened. "Where is she?" She bent down looking at August and he pointed to the kitchen.

"You remembered. Let me guess, Mal reminded you didn't she" Sitting on the kitchen counter eating something from a container that she pulled out of the fridge, she turned her head to see her smiling and had a bag in her hands behind her back.

"Mayhaps." She laughed and took the container from her. "You can't eat before dinner, we have something special planned."

"We?" She furrowed her brows and pouted as she took her food from her. "Come on! I don't even wanna celebrate today." dangling her legs from the counter, Liah moved them back and forth, getting more curious about what is in the bag.

"Yes, we." Skylar mocked and closed the fridge door looking at her. " why do you hate your birthday so much?" She crossed her arms leaning on the counter.

"I don't hate it, i just don't see a reason to celebrate." Liah shook her head, twirling her braids in her hand.

"You just haven't had a good one yet! With me by your side I promise you'll have a good time." Full of confidence that she could make her happier on her birthday. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course i do. Why would you ask that Sky?" Once again confused she just sat on the counter  holding her own hands hands.

Skylar smiled and nodded and handed her a bag with something in it. Liah sighed and took it from her, taking the tissue paper out of it to see a book at the bottom of the sequined bag. Pulling it out she read the title and her face lit up seeing it was by her favorite author.

"You found her new book!" Liah got down and hugged her neck tightly and viciously thanked her. "I can't believe you found it, I've been looking for this for months, where did you find this?"

"Apparently my sister bought the last few and I remembered you've been looking for this since we met and I bought it from her." she smiled and pulled away seeing her eyes light up as she looked at the cover.

"Oh my god i love you!" She took her face and quickly kissed her cheek and watched her turn red. "Sorry... i got really excited... But seriously, thank you so much this means so much to me."

"Oh- don't worry about it. I love you too, Liah." She smiled and felt her phone buzz and pulled it out seeing Daliah's dad text her. "Hey. I have to take you somewhere, do you wanna get dressed up or just wear that?"

"Do i have to dress like a hobo or nice, is that what you're asking me but in a nicer way?" Liah crossed her arms, who was comfortable in her current outfit.

"Yeah basically." Skylar agreed and responded to him putting her phone away.

"I'll be back down in a bit." She put the book in the bag and walked to the stairs running up the stairs to her room.


"Okay your hands are sweaty and messing up her makeup Colson!" Skylar yelled from the car and ran up behind them.

"You want to do it then? I don't know the physics of makeup." He stopped walking, which jerked Liah's body into his.

"Okay uhm. I think I'm okay to look now? Being that i think we're in the parking lot right?" She asked  and removed his hands, turning around to look at them."

"No!" She covered her eyes gently with her hands feeling her eyelashes on her hand.

"I- my god, okay!" Liah was startled and jumped once her hands got closer. "I hate you both, you act like you're hiding something.

"I promise we're not." Colson snickered and opened the door to the place and Skylar moved her hands from her face once they were officially inside.

"Happy birthday, Babe!" Skylar said, when Liah opened her eyes to see her parents and brother sitting at a round table with seven plates all around the table.

"Oh my god. I haven't been out to eat for my birthday in years...  who did this?" Liah smiled and looked at the small group of people that was standing up to hug her.

"It was a mutual idea between me and your father."

"Thank you. It's like I never left L.A. and were doing everything we used to do." She hugged her parents both and had a wide smile on her face.

After they all were done hugging they all sat down where they all were before. Liah had an empty seat next to her, but everyone already was in a spot. She didn't really care about the empty seat till someone carried water glasses over to the table, setting one at the empty seat, the waitress took their drink orders; everything was normal, so who was missing. Liah, went to reach for her phone, only to realize it was left in the car. Letting out a sigh, she tapped Skylar's shoulder. After asking for Skylar's keys Liah, excused herself and got up front the table walking to the front, where two sets of double doors were. She walked to the car and unlocked the front door grabbing the small black tote bag. Walking back she forgot about what she was previously thinking about. When she went to lock the car she heard her name being called, she turned to see a black haired girl leaning on the front of her matte black car.

"Billie?" She asked, feeling her knees get weak, and her heart sink seeing her face.

"Liah." Billie mocked and gave her a small smile. "You can call me a stalker but i promise i didn't follow you here." She said, stepping closer to her.

"What are you doing here, out of all the days, why today?" She choked out her words seeing her stop a few feet in-front of her.

I can feel her breath a bit. I could see her chest moving like she was barely breathing.

She was calm, but her hands were shaking.

Why am I shaking?

"Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend, And not here?" She added and Billie looked at her.

She didn't respond, she just looked at Liah in-front of her. The two watching each-others body movements, not one saying a thing. Before Billie could fully come up with what she was going to say she felt her body move to liah effortlessly. Their lips connected which took both by surprise that she worked up enough courage to do so.

The two stayed with Billie's lips stuck on Liah's till her body took over everything, ever her thoughts. They all turned blurry till Liah, moved  with BIllie's, which sent an electric feeling down both their bodies. Her hands moved to her face cupping her cheeks where billie's were now on the nape of her neck.

"I missed you." Billie mumbled under her breath after pulling away, resting her head on Liahs forehead.

"I missed you too." She smiled and looked at her blue eyes feeling  content now. "Who invited you though?" She asked quietly, and moved her body away from hers feeling billie interlace their hands.

"Your mom invited my mom, who told me. She thought i should just go cause she felt something off... she kinda made me come." She shrugged and then let out a small smile.

"I'm glad you're here..."

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