1.4 || Hundred missed calls.

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Billie's hand was wrapped around Liah's shoulder, as she was sleeping Billie watched her breath. On the right of her, Liah's phone was buzzing. Billie moved her body a bit and picked it up, turning the brightness down so it wouldn't wake Liah. Just like when they were younger she didn't have a passcode so she got in easily. She read the messages she was getting from all her friends in Maine, both in the groupchat and privately.

JackJack: "Hey! Mal told us what happened, i wanted to let you know that i support whatever you decide. I love you D." 10:13 pm

Cassidy: "You go home, and you, Daliah Alice Montgomery, sleep with the first person you get a hold of? What's happened to you.." 10:29 pm

Danny: "Hey girl! Why is Cass freaking out about you? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you? I will catch a flight to LA right now, no hesitation." 10:41 pm

Skylar: "Liah? Are you okay?" 10:49 pm

Skylar: "Girl pick up your phone your friends are saying your MIA." 10:50 pm

Colson: "Daliah, you need to tell me and Sky what's happening. Your friend Malarie is saying shit about you to Skylar and she's freaking out." 11:00 pm

Colson: "Don't do anything stupid. You promised me, remember?" 11:05 pm

Mommy<3 : 10 Missed calls

The few messages Billie read, she was confused till she moved to look at her call log to see if something there could help her understand. Liah's apps were scattered across five different screens with apps she used on the daily. When she found it at the bottom of the screen with other apps, she saw over a hundred missed calls from the four people that were not aggressive with their texts. Her eyes scanned the names of the people that had a failed time to get a hold of Liah, after a minute she saw the only two calls she made today.

Mal 09:24 pm

Bils 4:35 pm

She looked up from the phone to Liah, who had makeup under her eyes that made her eyes look sunken. Having a gut feeling Mal had a part in her spontaneous outburst of emotions, she copied the number down in her phone. Going full protector mode she went onto her social media getting her username and also copied it down. Feeling something in the pit of her stomach her eyes started having trouble focusing on anything, which made her dizzy.

Putting her phone under her pillow she lied back down and cuddled up into Liah again. Billie's mind raced at the curious thoughts about what could have happened. Liah started to mumble words in her sleep, Billie took her hand telling her to go back to sleep. Brushing fly away hairs from her face, she kissed her forehead and felt her cuddle her head into Billie's chest.

The warmth and the comfort from the both of them was familiar but newly forigen to the both of them. The softness of their chest when they wouldn't wear a shirt to bed because it was too hot. The kisses placed in places they were never placed before, it felt adult to be together but stuck in time. Never having moved forward from two years ago. Billie quickly fell asleep humming softly to Liah to calm her mumbling. Humming a song she wrote for Liah but never told her, hell it was even played on radios now.


"Billie. Hey Billie." Finneas shook her awake after he had his mom do it the first time because she was in a bra and shorts. He got tired of her not waking up so he took a pillow from her bed and hit her with it. "Wake the hell up."

"Oh my god what?" She mumbled and tore her head from her pillow to look up at him. "You could have hit her, you dumbass."

"But i didn't." Giving her a smart answer she took the pillow from him and hit him with it. "There's a girl here. She said Colson said she might find Liah here?" He looked at her and watched her make her body limp so her face fell back into her pillow.

"Tell her i'll be out in a minute."

Finneas nodded and kissed her head saying good morning to her officially. Billie looked to her left to see Liah lost in the plethora of her pillows and the few stuffed animals she had on her bed. Getting up, she picked up a shirt from the floor and put it on not caring if it was dirty or even Liah's, not like she would care anyways. Walking from her room sluggish, she made it to the front door where the girl was sitting on her front porch step.

"Are you a friend of Liah's?" she asked and then yawned sittin on a chair they had on the porch.

"Yes! You must be Billie? Im Skylar-"

"You're the girl that Liah brought to her birthday dinner, right?" Cutting her off when she turned around surprised and watched her smile fade that had a glimpse of hope she was here, fade.

"Uh... yeah i am. I'm a close friend of hers and I can't seem to reach her or get her to answer my calls or texts. I just need to know if you've seen her? Orr if she's here so i can tell Colson and her parents to stop worrying." She looked helpless by the thought of her friend probably in a ditch cold and scared. The small hope she had was all dependent in the girl in front of her.

"I know where she is but i don't think she'd want me to tell anyone? She's safe and warm. I can assure you. " Billie saw the hope she was holding in her response and bended it till she saw fit.

"Can you tell her to at least answer her texts? Not anyone else's just mine. I know she's probably been getting hundreds of texts so she can only deal with me. I just need to talk to her."

"I can try. She might not take that even. Why did she even go MIA?" She stood up to match her height, meeting her eye level.

"She has this friend that likes her a lot. They had a fight cause Liah's dating you i think? They had a fight, that's all I really know. From things Liah has said she can get really hateful given certain circumstances." She watched Billie nod hearing her out and yawned again running her hand through her knotted bed head.

"Thank you. I'll do my best talking to her about it." saying her goodbyes to Skylar she walked inside not turning around to look at her again and closed the door.

Billie sighed and locked the front door, ignoring her brother, who was asking who the girl was at their door. She went back to bed to say the least. Liah's phone was completely dead so she put the charger in and sat it on the floor. She took pillows from where Liah was and moved her closer to her cuddling into her neck.

Why was everyone wanting the one thing I have now. You didn't want it when I had Lena.

Why now?

Why me?

Why her?

Why Malarie...

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