0.4 || Thats stupid.

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After Billie had their small conversation she left the kitchen leaving her to talk to Maggie. The two lost track of time of the call and now had a two-hour call. Daliah got a text from Billie , and saw her asking her if the both of them could call soon. Liah's hands gripped the wheel reading the message and adjusted herself in the seat.

"Hey Maggie? can i call you later? I have someone calling me right now." she asked glancing over to her brother, his face still glued to the tablet screen.

"Of course! Be safe, okay? I love you, Liah." She blew a kiss to the screen and hung up the phone.

Liah, sat back in the driver's seat thinking of what she could say to Billie, for when she called her. August, looked over at her in the eyes and put his headphones back on so he could hear his game more clearly. She rolled her eyes at him and carefully pulled up the contact; glancing every second at the road. The call started almost a few seconds after she pressed call, and before she could comprehend anything else Billie's face was on her screen.

"It's about damn time you come home." Billie said and sat her phone between her knees, cause she was too lazy to hold it.

"I know. I miss everything about L.A." Liah responded and watched the road in-front of her, content with hearing her voice.

"How far are you from here?" She ran her hand through her dyed hair, watching her eyes examine her surroundings.

"Like sixteen hours from the state line? All I know is that we'll get there around maybe midnight. tommorow?"

"That soon?" peeking her head up, she sat up straight, propping her phone up. "Wow, oh my god... Can i see you?" She asked and rested her head in both her hands.

"Of course you can see me, why wouldn't you be able to come see me?" Liah asked and furrowed her brows still looking at the road and could tell the two had awkward tension between them both.

"I don't know. So I know to move things around my schedule? But then again I'd drop everything if you needed me to." Lightly laughing, she hung her head down.

"Tell me something." She said softly and looked at the bumper of her parents car in-front of her.

"What is it?" Billie questioned and flipped over on her stomach holding her phone with both hands.

"What happened between you and Colson, I won't get upset if you two fought just- a year ago he seemed like he missed talking to you, and he just... stopped talking about you."

"We just had an argument, about you and it was really stupid now that i look back at it." 

"About me? What about me would you two have an argument about?" Sitting up straight she turned her head a bit in confusion

Billie got quite going over it in her head, and sighed, shoving her face directly in the bed. Billie cursed herself out and screamed in the comforter, which was normal for her. She lifted her head up and looked at Liah, who had a confused look on her face just multiplied by ten. Rolling her eyes she went back to how she was before. Which was very confused.

she already knew why, she just wanted to hear it from her.

"You left so you can't get upset okay?" She watched her nod her head and looked more confused than before.

"Okay?" Daliah agreed and she voiced it as a question.

"After you and me stopped talking I met this girl named Lena, and a few months later we started dating. Colson found out and said that we should have done long distance despite us not wanting to do it... We stopped talking, which i thought he told you... but i guess not." She rolled her eyes and avoided eye contact till she started talking.

"You could have told me y'know. We aren't dating so why would I care? We aren't seventeen anymore, Bils." She focused on the road glancing at her phone and then her brother just sitting watching the screen.

"i know, i'm sorry." Feeling her heart break a bit when she said what she did, Billie played it off as if it didn't affect her.

The two sat in silence for a minute. The only sounds coming from both ends was BIllie's breathing and the freeway on Liah's side. She sighed and looked at her phone seeing someone spam texting her. Liahs hands started to shake a bit as she felt Billie looking at her and looked at her.

"Hey can i call later? My moms calling me?" She asked and took a deep breath repositioning her whole body.

"Yeah that's fine." She forced a smile. "I'll see you-" Billie got cut off by the sound of Liah hanging up and her face went to a sad expression. "Soon..."

Lilah's hands were shaking and she couldn't even pinpoint why she felt like she was about to cry. Tugging at her hair with her free hand and taking deep breaths her brother took notices and took off his headset. He was only two years younger than her but he was smart to take care of her occasionally. Handing her a drink of his water she reached her hand out and took a sip, and thanked him.

"What happened? Is she not excited to see you?" He asked and sat sideways to look at her.

"She is... she just." she stopped herself from saying it but knew if she re-worded it he would be confused. "She has a girlfriend, and i don't know what i was expecting from her. To wait? Thats stupid." she mumbled the last part under her breath and ruffled his hair. "You wouldnt understand right now."

"but i want to."

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