0.7 || Bar stalking.

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Billie was in the car with Lena both listening to music coming from her car radio and sang along to the songs they knew. Lena was on her phone looking at people's social media feeds, and looked over at Billie who was quiet for the most part. Rubbing her shoulder to get her attention She smiled seeing her girlfriend smile for the first time today. BIllie kissed her hand and held it; driving with her other hand.

"You've been distant this week, is everything okay?" Lena asked and turned her body to her.

"Yeah." She lied and gave her a smile. "Just a little tired this week that's all." Billie took her hand from her and ran it through her hair.

"I'm just asking cause Maggie, hasn't seen you come out of your room. She's worried about you Bils."

"I know. I've been sleeping late, I don't know why." Coming to a stop at a red light she looked out her window seeing people in their cars, with friends and some alone.

"You should sleep earlier... maybe not stay up late like you say you do when you write songs. Are you writing songs? is that why you're sleeping less than usual?" She asked and her face lit up, hopeful that she was getting back into music.

"Erm... in a way yes? I don't know it's hard to explain really." She pulled into a parking lot and parked turning off the car.

The bi-weekly place the two of them went to was a 'club' where gigs were performed. They went solely to see the music and to eat, when either one of them had time. They got out of the car and walked inside hearing people set up with amps and tuning instruments. Billie scanned the room briefly while walking to a booth the two could sit at.

Overhearing two familiar voices she looked around seeing a girl at the bar with a straw in her mouth talking to another girl sitting next to her. The girl went to turn her head to look around, the girl with black hair with silver bangs touched her face to keep looking at her. Watching her smile she turned and looked at Lena who was testing filters on snapchat. Billie leaned back hearing a male voice and her eyes widened hearing him talk.

"Liah, you and her are cute together, you know that?" He chuckled sitting next to her, the two girls giggling not even realising who walked into the restaurant.

"You think or are you just saying that?" Skylar said and leaned closer to Liah but also to colson, feeling someone's eyes on her.

"I mean it." He ordered another soda and looked over seeing Skylar tracing her finger over a shot glass.

Skylar being the older one of the three of them she was surprisingly comfortable around Daliah, for not even remembering her name. She smiled at what he said and sat down on the stool she was standing beside. Record music started playing from speakers and Liah subconsciously sang along tapping her foot against the small rail under the stool. The two on either side of her hummed and skylar turned to her.

"Can you tell me your name again, i forgot." She said softly so only she could hear.

"Daliah. Almost everyone calls me Liah though." She leaned in to her and did the same, unintentionally having their faces close to each other.

"That's so pretty. Where'd you get your nickname from?" she put her head in her hand looking utterly enchanted by her.

which she was. Completely enchanted with her, her voice, her eyes, how her hair fell on her shoulders. She was so beautiful to Skylar.

"One of my friends' moms gave it to me. Before I met their mom I had Daliah and that's it." she shrugged and took a drink of her soda from the butchered straw she was chewing on.

"Your friend's mom sounds lovely." She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and turned around on the stool, leaning her elbows on the bar counter, scanning the place seeing a girl eye her up, giving a confused look. "Do you and your friend still talk?" She asked looking back at Liah.

She would pick medium sized pieces of paper off her straw and tear them into smaller pieces, making a mess on the area. Skylar watched her and leaned close to her ear whispering something to her which made her look at her and the scan the area behind her. She caught Billie staring at her and she quickly tore her gaze from her and to Lena, who was next to her. Liah excused herself and got down from the stool walking to the back, and into the bathroom.

She stopped at the sinks and put her hands on both sides of it. She could hear the music still playing from the front and ran her hands through her hair sighing. The bathroom door opened and she stood like she was washing her hands not knowing who it was. Hearing a girl clear her throat she looked up in the mirror and saw her leaning on the door with her arms crossed.

"Are you following me now?" Liah asked and snickered watching her smirk and shake her head.

"Following you? I didn't even know you knew this was still here. What are you doing?" She looked at her and flicked hair out of her face.

"I'm with friends why? i'm " She crossed her arms and leaned on the wall where hand dryers were.

"I can see that... i didn't want my first time seeing you in two years to be in a place like this." Having an upset look on her face she looked down at the floor.

"I didn't want to either but here we are." She laughed kind of defeated by the whole thing she created and just wanted to go home to eat food and watch t.v.

"If you didn't or don't want to see me tell me, instead of telling me you do." Billie had a sad look on her face taking notice Liah was staying quiet.

"I think we shouldn't talk about this here.."

"Is it cause of Lena? we can talk about this another time" Billie stood up straight and looked at her, leaving her arms fall to the side.


"Yeah... i'm so sorry." She rushed to open the door and walked out of the bathroom to her friends all frantic. "I'm going home, I'm sorry."

"Liah- what happened?" Colson tried to stop her but remembered the bill he had. He sent Skylar after her and he was suddenly left alone, seeing Billie come out of where Liah came.

"I'm sorry" She mouthed to him, before sitting down next to Lena, who was still on her phone.

Fuck this.

I'll never see her again, I know i messed it up.

I wish things could be different.

I really missed you though.

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