4.6 || Jingle ball :)

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"Stay close to people that
feel like sunlight."

"Do you wanna go out with me today?" Skylar walked in the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bathtub, watching Liah do her make up.

"Erm... I would, but I have a job interview today. We can go out later tonight, if you still want to do something."

Skylar shook her head yes, and continued to watch her as she finished her eyeliner. The two staying in the same room was frustrating, but they made it work. Just like living in their apartment, Liah would make a mess and Sky, would clean. Bonus points for the spats they had, like they were sisters. Taking each others clothes, shoes, accessories, everything.

"So... have you not told her that you're back yet?" Skylar said quietly, and felt Liah's eyes on her, through the mirror.

"She has a girlfriend, why would I make it more complicated on her. It's bad enough I miss her face, and see it on billboard's in downtown L.A. ." She closed the liner cap and put her stuff back into a small bag on the counter.

"You know they aren't actually dating right-"

"In the eyes of the fans, and her management? Yes they are... plus she really likes Billie." Sitting on the floor on the bathroom, she looked at Skylar, who maneuvered down next to her.

"You had her first... many years ago. I've seen you around her. I've never seen anyone look at each-other, the way you guys do." Skylar held onto her hand and rested her head on Daliah's shoulder

"It doesn't matter... I just kinda wanna get over it again."

"You say that like you didn't quit your job, and move back home after you saw her." Skylars phone buzzed and she silently cursed under her breath. "I have to go, but I'm a phone call away."

Skylar, got up off the floor and helped Liah off the floor as well. They hugged and before Liah could counter anything, Skylar was already out the door with her bag in hand. She stood in the bathroom, and started to talk to herself, trying to figure things out. When she paused for a second, she remembered something she forgot about months after she moved away.

Rummaging through the bathroom drawers, and under the sink, she found a small box stuffed behind the drawer. Opening the felt container, was a loose necklace, she thoughtlessly put away. It had rose gold accents and the pendent still cleanly had engraving on it. When she stood up, Liah slowly unclasped it and put it around her neck.

"This is probably... really bad, but fuck it." Liah sighed and straightened her shirt a bit, and turned the light off.

"Liah? When you're done with your interview can you do me a favour?" The dark haired woman peeked around the door frame after knocking.

"Yeah what is it?" She put on her shoes and started to tightly tie the laces.

"I transferred some money into you account, can you go get some food, for dinner?" Her mom had a honest smile on her face. The look of not wanting to cook for anyone, or do much of anything, was so clear.

"Yeah mom.. I'll call when I'm done." She smiled and got up, getting her bag from the hook on the back of the door. She kissed her mom on the cheek and was on her way out of the house, seconds later.

"So... how long till she finds out?" Colton said, and watched her park the car.

"I don't know. You act like I can predict what she does." Skylar, scoffed and fixed her lipstick in the car mirror.

"You lived with her... you spend ever waking minute with her, almost." The tone in his voice changed and she looked over at him in the passenger seat.

"She's kinda bipolar with things. She's a good person, just doesn't know who she is, or what she wants."

"Okay and you act like she won't ever figure that out." Shaking his head, he went onto his phone and looked at the missed texts and dm's he got.

"Colson... I love you. A lot. But if you don't let her figure this out on her own, I'm gonna shank you." She let out a light laugh, and went on her phone too.

"I dare you to try. You wouldn't." He let out a chuckle and pushed her playfully.

The two smiled at eachother, and sat in the car, before getting out. The car fell silent till a audible gasp was let out by colson. Skylar looked at him, confused and leaned over the console to see his screen.

"The line up for Jingleball was put up."

"I thought you had something important to say... for fucks sake." Skylar sat back in her seat and looked at the line up on her Insta feed.

"It is important... I need these tickets." He closely examined the line up.

"Oh. My. God." She put her phone on the phone stand on her dash and snatched his phone from his hands.

When she clicked on someone's story, it showed they were live. When the screen loaded in, they saw a familiar face very excitedly and frantically talking. Her stream was flooded with congratulations, and heart emojis. The concert, Colson wanted to go to was headlined by a big named singer.

"So... I wanted to say And let y'all know that..." she paused and looked at the screen and then someone off screen. "I'm gonna be headlining for Jingle ball again this year!"

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Skylar looked at Colson, while the girls stream was playing, and nervously shook his head.

"You wanna go with me even though she's headlining?" He questioned and saw her roll her eyes.

"Yes but also no-"

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