Chapter 62

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n// second update in 24 hours because i love you and you deserve it!!!!!!! love u so much

And sure enough, later on that next day, while Thora was finally getting some much needed rest, Tyler and Caroline returned.  Dropping her on the floor in front of him, Tyler looked up and spoke his (obviously rehearsed) piece.

"You want to be in control, Klaus?  Here.  Now you get to be in control of her life.  If you want her to die, fine.  But then you can sit here and watch her die yourself."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he left, leaving Klaus and Caroline alone.  Looking down at her with pity, he sent her a small smile.

"Nothing personal, love.  But if I kill you, that means victory for him.  Don't worry.  It won't be long now."

"If you don't feed me your blood, I'll die." Caroline wheezed out, staring up at the man.  

"Then you'll die.  And Tyler will have learned his lesson the hard way."

"How could you do this to him?  To his mom?  To me?"

"I'm a thousand years old.  Call it boredom."

"I don't believe you."

"Fine.  Then maybe it's because I'm pure evil, and I can't help myself."

"I don't believe that, either." Caroline rasped, trying to catch her breath. "It's because you were hurt.  Which means that there's a part of you that's human."

Klaus stalked over to her and crouched down to her level, looking her in the eyes for the first time since he bit her.

"And how could you possibly think that?"

"Because I've seen it." she explained, looking over at where Thora was resting.  "I've seen how you are with her.  With Thora.  I've seen the pull you have on each other, even when one of you wasn't aware of the other's existence.  I've seen how you've loved, Klaus.  That's being human.  And when I see you two... so in love... it makes me wish that I could forget all of the horrible things that you've done."

"But you can't, can you?"

"No, but that... that doesn't matter.  She can.  Because she loves you, and you love her.  And anybody capable of love... is capable of being saved.  There is good in you, Klaus.  Let other people see it."

Almost as if on cue, as soon as her words ceased, her body began convulsing.  Klaus gazed down at the dying blonde, weighing his options for a moment.  On one hand, if he let her die, it would be a small victory.  Tyler would feel guilty about leaving her there with him, and the rest of the little twerps would have to mourn the loss of their precious Caroline Forbes, knowing that it was all their fault.  But, on the other hand, Klaus knew that if he did let her die, people would come seeking revenge, and his life would not know peace for an even longer period of time.  And heaven only knows what they would do to hurt him...

Klaus felt frail arms wrap around his shoulders, and a sleepy voice help him make the decision on Caroline Forbes' life just as she'd done before.

"You can save her, Klaus." Thora murmured in his ear, staring down as her breathing became more and more shallow as the seconds went by.  "It's alright.  She, alone, is not the villain here.  She would just be another casualty.  Do what you must."

And with that, Klaus bit his wrist and let his blood trickle down her throat, making his mind up once and for all.  Once Caroline had had her fill, Klaus turned to Thora and placed a tender kiss on her lips.

"I really do wish they'd stop interrupting your rest, darling." he whispered, looking into those grey eyes he adored so much.  "That's all they seem to do, hmm?"

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⏰ Senast uppdaterad: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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