Chapter 54

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n// slightly changed the timeline a little bit for this episode (4x07) just letting you know!! also sorry that this is such a filler but it's very fluffy n cute so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there u go. enjoy!

"In what world do the words 'tell no one' mean 'tell your brother and every teenage sycophant in town'?!" Klaus angrily asked Stefan as he held him in a choke hold, Thora watching with bored eyes.

She honestly didn't understand why people couldn't just do as they were told for once in this silly town. Klaus tells them to do something, threatens them if they don't do it, they don't do it despite the threat, and then act all surprised when Klaus comes to exact his revenge. So many deaths and other crisis' could have been so easily avoided had everyone just listened. And it wasn't like Klaus didn't have a method to his madness, either. He'd been around for a thousand years, and the group of teens thought they knew better than him? It was growing very old, and Thora was growing very tired of repeating history over and over and over again just because people were incapable of doing something as simple as listening to basic instruction.

"The secret's safe, no one who knows about the cure would endanger us." Stefan groaned out quickly, struggling in Klaus' hold. "Trust me. You know I want to find it more than anyone else."

"Well, then, I suggest you find some vampires for Jeremy to kill before I'm tempted to offer you up as a victim!" Thora piped in, staring at her nails and rolling her eyes as Stefan broke free of his grip.

She knew good and well that Stefan was stupid, but he wasn't Damon stupid. And by that, she meant that Stefan wasn't dumb enough to propose bodily harm toward her in any way while her husband was alive to see it. So, with that being said, she could be the nastiest bitch in the world to him, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

"Try to keep this one to yourself, would you?" Klaus asked Stefan, smirking at his wife's comment. "Come along, Thora, we've got to get ready."

"Wait, wait, wait," Stefan spoke. "Where are you two going?"

"Off to a little land I call 'None of Stefan's Business'." Thora smiled charmingly, making Klaus chuckle.

"Now, now, Thora, let's play nice." Klaus laughed. "If Stefan wants to know where the proper couple are off to, then we'll tell him, no?"

"Ah, yes, we're really going up your―"

"We're going to the Miss Mystic Falls celebration." Klaus cut his little storm off, ignoring the no doubt fowl sentence she was about to throw the younger Salvatore's way. "We always love a good party, and after all, we consider ourselves a founding family as well."

"Whatever. Just don't cause too much trouble."

"Like we'd ever listen to you."

"Why do you hate me?" Stefan asked Thora.

The question only made her hate him even more.

"Well, if I killed Damon, would you hate me?" She questioned. "If I withheld your love's true identity? If I had Niklaus bite Elena and dump her in a well, leaving her for dead? What if, after you gave me everything, I abandoned you and betrayed your trust?"

With every inquiry, she stepped closer to the vampire, glaring harshly at him.

"Because I highly doubt that you would like me very much, Stefan." Thora spat, looking the man up and down.

"You and your husband have done much worse than I have—"

"But did I say that we were the innocent party?" The blonde barked back, interrupting his rant. "I never mentioned anything about what Niklaus and I have done and I will never claim to be saints. We have committed evils and atrocities, yes, but I don't believe that was the question. You asked why I didn't like you and I explained. You're just mad because you know that I am right and it kills you. I never said that you couldn't hate me back, Stefan. In fact, I hope you do. It would bring me more satisfaction than you will ever know."

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