Chapter 11

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n// pls imagine that jenna is thora okay tysm!

"I don't care if it takes you all bloody year, find that spell!" Klaus, in Alaric's body, yelled into the phone angrily, hanging up.

He sighed and sat down on the couch, rubbing his hands over his face in exhaustion. He knew that Thora wouldn't like him talking to people like that at all, but he of all people knew that fear was the best tactic to use when getting what you want. Especially if it's a spell he didn't know existed or not. But he had promised the love of his life that he was going to find a way to bring her back, and he would stop at nothing to do just that. Also, with the weight of the pressure that was upon him to break the hybrid curse, it could sure as hell make someone angry.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Thora was doing some investigative work of her own. Seeing her dear Niklaus sparked something deep inside of her, and never once in all of her years of being dead has she wanted something more than to truly be with him. To be alive (more or less, that is). She wandered around where all the witches were, and began asking around.

"So, what you're saying is, there is no possible way for any of us to come back?" She asked, disappointed.

"I'm afraid not, dear. If someone did use that kind of magic, then the person's life would be the cost of that."

Thora froze and whipped her head up to meet the eyes of the witch before her.

"Wait," She said. "So there is a way out of this purgatory-like hell?!"

The witch's eyes widened in realization at what she said and began shaking her head rapidly, but Thora wasn't buying it. She knew that the witches had been lying to her about the spell, but she couldn't fathom why.

"What kind of magic would one have to use to bring one of us back?" She demanded, getting closer and closer to the witch.

"D-Dark magic," She sputtered out. "But it's too dangerous for any of us to use, the whole balance of nature would be corrupted by-"

"Does it look like I am concerned about the balance of nature right now?!" Thora beamed, laughing happily at the thought of finally being able to go home to her family. "I can go home!"

"You would need an all-powerful witch for that type of spell," She smirked, thinking that she had the advantage. Obviously, she had no idea who Thora was. "It's a powerful spell. That takes a powerful witch. The Bennett coven have what you need, but they're something you don't have access to."

Thora shook her head at the woman's foolishness and kept a smile on her face, beginning to walk away.

"You have no idea what I am capable of, darling."

She walked her way over to her mother-in-law, and pulled an innocent face, looking sad and distraught.

"What's wrong, young Thora?" The welcoming woman asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"It's Niklaus," She sighed helplessly, letting her crocodile tears well up and fall. "Ever since the last I had seen of him, it was just bugging me that I didn't get to tell him something..."

"And might that have been?" Esther questioned softly, sitting Thora down and rubbing her back soothingly.

"It's silly, I shouldn't even be telling you this-"

"No, no, nothing is 'silly', Thora." She interrupted the weeping girl. "Tell me."

Thora sighed and looked up at the sky, leaning into Esther's chest.

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