Chapter 55

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n// holy shit this just hit 500k views and almost 20k votes i'm seriously so amazed i can't believe that my crappy writing has been seen by that many people i just can't believe it. so, in celebration, here is the fluffiest, cutest, most pure chapter i have ever written because we all deserve this before more drama happens in the next chapter. anyways, thank you all so much. from the bottom of my heart, i love you, and i thank you. i write because you all give me a voice. thank you for bringing my words to life. so, without further adieu, here's the chapter! i hope you enjoy :) 

"I never want to leave this bed," Thora sighed, glancing at her husband in adoration, stroking his chest with her fingertips. "Never in a billion years..."

"Then don't," Klaus countered, taking her hand and placing a kiss on the palm of it. "Let's stay here forever."

"Oh, how I wish we could."

"And who says we can't?"

"The universe."

"I highly doubt that, love."

Thora giggled at her husband's attitude toward the facts, and ho he always wanted to give her what she wanted, no matter what it was. 

"Oh, really?" She asked tauntingly. "Even if that was so, and the universe wanted us to be happy, here's what would happen: Stefan would come barging into our home, or there would be some hybrid drama, or there would even be some issue with that horrid Elena of theirs. We can never have a moment of peace, Niklaus, and that's just the way things are."

"...Do you really believe that?"

"Believe what? That the Salvatores and their little lapdog are always ruining things? Wholeheartedly."

"No, not that."

"Then what?"

"Do... Do you really believe that the universe doesn't want us to be happy, Thora?"

The level of vulnerability that Klaus Mikaelson was showing at the moment almost broke Thora's heart then and there. She hadn't even really realized what she'd said, or thought about how it might have made her husband feel.

"Oh, my angel," She muttered apologetically, sitting up and leaning on his chest, glancing up into his pretty blue eyes that were filled with a whirlwind of emotions. It was impossible to pick just one. "I didn't mean it like that."

"It sure seemed like it..."

If Thora weren't in the situation that she was currently, she would've laughed. He was pouting. Klaus Mikaelson, the strongest man to ever live, the most dangerous man in the world, was pouting. He was pouting over a meaningless joke that his wife made that hurt his feelings.

"Nik..." Thora murmured, watching him closely as he averted his eyes from her gaze. "I know you know better than that. You know exactly how I meant it."

"Do I?"

"Yes. Yes you do."

"Then explain it to me."


"Explain how I know you meant it." He repeated.

Thora was astonished. She knew Klaus could be this way, but that was usually after a hard day or night. And with the night that they shared? Yeah, that was not one to be cause for sulking. It should be cause for a damn parade, if anything.

"Fine," Thora spoke, giving into her stubborn husband's childish wishes. "Do you remember that dream I visited you in? That very first one?"

"Of course I do."

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