Chapter 48

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n// this is super fucknig short i know i know but the thing is that finals are this week and im trying to keep my 3.8 GPA intact. regardless, i really enjoyed this particular chapter, and i hope you do to!! thank you so much for the continued support and it means the world to me i love you all so fucking much i am DEAD also sorry for any mistakes just hmu if there is but it's because im tired and stressed okay but you guys deserve the best and that's all for tonight, folks!!

Days passed, and Thora was growing less and less angry at her husband, and enjoying her little freedom. Not that she didn't miss him, of course she did, but she had to admit... Not having her life be threatened for a few days was nice, and getting drunk and reading as much as she wanted was nicer. Hell, she even got Rebekah to compel her into the high school, where she was attending as a senior during the days and going home to her motel afterwards. Was Klaus going to be pissed off? Yeah. Was she undeniably too intelligent for the school's curriculum? Hell yes. And was she, eventually, going to drop out? You know she was.

But she was glad that her time away from Klaus was almost up. As much fun as she had, she didn't like sleeping alone. She didn't like not smelling his cologne. She didn't like the fact that no one called her "little storm" in a nice British accent that made her swoon. She didn't not like seeing his handsome face, and she didn't like not holding him or kissing him or loving him whenever she wanted. So as she sat in her math class, she found herself pulling out her phone and scrolling to that familiar contact and sending a my angel

i'm ready for you to come home, you know.

i thought you'd never say so. i'll be there in two hours, tops.

Smiling, she tucked her phone back in the back pocket of her jeans, biting her lip as her teacher explained how to do something she had learned long ago.

"Ms. Mikaelson?" The teacher asked, having noticed the girl on her phone. "Am I interrupting something?"

"No, it was just my husband, is all." She smiled, loving the reactions that she got from her classmates. "He's coming home soon, you know."


"Mhm. Husband. Now, what were you saying about x?"

The teacher stared in bewilderment, wondering how the hell she had acquired a husband at the age of 18 and she hadn't at the age of 47, but continued teaching nonetheless.

"Are you really married?" Thora's table partner asked.


"Are your parents okay with it?"

"I wouldn't know. They died before the wedding."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. It seems like hundreds of years ago, to be honest. It's just him and me, now."

"Where did he go?"

"...Business trip."

"More deputies?" Tyler Lockwood groaned upon entering his home, seeing two burly men awaiting his arrival.

"Not exactly," Spoke Klaus, entering the room with a smirk on his face.

"They're hybrids." 

"I was halfway to Chicago when I heard you were attacked." Klaus spoke, keeping the truth hidden from them about what had happened with Thora. "I had hoped to leave Mystic Falls for good, but, duty calls."

"Nice to know you care."

"I don't." Klaus corrected sharply. "I should have killed you for the little stunt you and your friends pulled ― stopping my heart, leaving me in a coffin to rot, putting my wife through emotional turmoil you could not even imagine..."

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